I caught these vids on RCG and it looks like a fun slow flyer. I designed for outdoor flying, but it can be trimmed down to make a good indoor flyer. The current WS is 30" without the polyhedral tips and it has an under-cambered rolled airfoil. The cut files are for 1/4" foam, 1/8" bit, and original Phlatprinter. Regenerate the gcode for over-head gantry if needed. I also included files for optional KF step panels and Floats/Skis. It will be a while before I can cut this plane, so if anyone tries it, please post here. Another vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... w2hHIhFnjc Attached files Magnum Reloaded_Full.pdf (1.4 MB)Â Magnum Reloaded_Tiled.pdf (1.4 MB)Â Magnum reloaded.skp (2.2 MB)Â Magnum reloaded_1.cnc (106.9 KB)Â Magnum reloaded_2.cnc (43.8 KB)Â Magnum reloaded_3-Optional KF step.cnc (3 KB)Â Magnum reloaded_4-Optional Floats.cnc (58.7 KB)Â
Whoa! this looks great Buk! really like the look of this one and the idea to layer the floats is great! Thank you Mark and Trish
Thanks for the plans and pics, 7-up!! Thanks for mentioning it on the "Crash-less Cast", Tim!! Looks like another on the build list...
I can't remember where I first saw the vid for this little baby but I sure am glad they mentioned it on the CrashCast. Guess I'll be carving some $tree foam and epp versions as soon as the I get the 3DBatix bipe finished up. Thanks for the great plan!
Loved the indoor float flying on the video. Nifty little airplane, I suppose I will just have to cut one out and build it! I am not certain how to keep the curve in the wing but doubt if it would fly much worse without it. I did not see any batteries, servos, wires, esc's or receivers on the model flying in the video. Since the fuse looks solid, where are they? Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Sorry, the videos are not mine. I suggest using velcro and attaching the battery/rec to the side of the fuse where ever it makes your CG come out right. The wheel pants/floats will help hold the shape of the airfoil. As stated in my first post, I have not built this plane yet, so use your best judgement during building. It was brought to my attention that the wing won't fit thru the slot in the fuse as one whole piece. I plan to cut one of the long corners of and re-glue it or either cut the wing in half and glue each half into the fuse.
Yep Mr. TigerPilot, it is me. Put together a new PC and could not get on the forum with my old name (Chuck) and probably could not remember my password so I just became an additional person. Chuck (el chucko) somewhere in Indiana...
I cut one of these out (Blue FF). Good job on the sketchup. I have concerns about the ability to get a decent curvature to the wing and also about affixing the wing-tips which looks like it can be testy to get right. I cut out the optional floats and wish there was some quick change method to switch between floats and the other gear. On the other hand, this plane will probably scoot off grass, snow, or whatever with the floats. Assembled as shown, the two long parts on the floats are not joined at the rear and are open on the top and bottom. I don't know if they are supposed to look that way or is the builder is expected to enclose them (If anyone knows, let me know please) . I will start assembling this plane tomorrow. Looks big enough for a Blue Wonder outrunner and that is what I will use unless someone has a better idea. Thanks to everyone for this great little plane. I am anxious to get it going (lots of ponds in Indiana). Chuck
I was thinking about the curvature too. I, too, think it's a problem to keep it going throughout the wing. I think the way to go is to add one or two ribs. For sure one at the joint of the winglet and maybe one in the center of each panel.
I think 66tbird is right. Each wing only extends 15" on each side and the float/wheel pants is shaped the same as the airfoil, so it will act as a large rib. Also,once you roll an airfoil into a wing, it holds its shape really well. As for the floats, they are meant to be open at the bottom, but I haven't tested it yet.
If I test it, it will have to be off the snow...weather turning sour pretty fast. I look again and again at the videos and cannot really tell. It looks like some guys close them up and maybe it does not matter. We shall see. Thanks for all the feedback. Chuck
Some pics of my build where I used a strait wing and wing tip with and without a "KF". I added the one tip first and then glued the entire wing in and will add the other tip when dry. So far..... Attached files