Hey Chuck< I found some "CG" info: Center of gravity "The focus is around 65mm - 75mm (measured from the wing leading edge) is certainly an important question" http://translate.google.com/translate?l ... M-reloaded
Okay, I am getting this thing worked up nicely as a VLF style build. Will post up cut files and SU file asap. CG on this plane would do well at 28-30% of chord from LE. Attached files
Thanks for the CG info. I also noted 9gm servos butted back=to=back in the hole provided in the original design stick out from the fuselage. Maybe should be two holes here, one for elevator and one for rudder OR use a 5gm servo which is smaller and the hole would need to be resized. I should have mine ready to fly tomorrow...not looking purdy...but ready to test fly. I will try to make a purdy one of it works. There are lots of layers of foam being glued together here, what adhesive are you guys using to affix fuselage and LG parts? I know water that does not contain salt will not affect the running much if using the float set up but is everyone else protecting the ESC and RX from the water in some way? I have unintentionally landed in enough ponds to know it doesn't short anything out (at least it hasn't so far). Thanks again everybody for your help. Chuck Oh, looking forward to revision downloads coming available!
Here is my SketchUp file along with 2 .cnc files for cutting. All parts are contained on 2 sheets, including the float parts. Mine are set up for using a 1/16" cutter and a cut area of 22" x 44". This is the max area that I can cut on the Iron Phlatprinter without taping a tail on the foam. You might have to tape a tail on your foam to use them. Edit 16-FEB-2012: Re uploaded the cut files. There was a problem with 1 of 2. I used the fold cut tool to cut a slot to insert the control horns. For some reason it was giving the routine fits. Changed it to a centerline cut and that resolved the problem. Also broke the SU file into three seperate files to reduce the processing time. A Model and sheet 1 and sheet 2 files. Attached files Magnum Reloaded 1of2.cnc (111.9 KB)Â Magnum Reloaded 2of2.cnc (370.1 KB)Â Magnum Reloaded FFF.zip (2.9 MB)Â Magnum Reloaded.skp (6.2 MB)Â
I have been using "Gorilla" glue & CA for all parts. My process is to apply the Gorilla glue to one side and smooth out with some foam scrap and then lightly mist the opposite side with water then put together. Now here is the trick, check the alinement of the two parts and then add CA to the front, side and back as to hold in place. I use "wax" paper and place a sheet on the table, then foam parts , another sheet of wax paper on top of the foam parts , a piece of flat wood to set on top of foam parts ,then add some weight and let dry. The wax paper is used so nothing sticks, CA used so parts do not move while drying......
I have used Gorilla Glue almost exclusively until recently. Someone turned me onto Elmers rubber cement. It works great for laminations and the lamination lines sand effortlesslty. It also dries very quickly. In fact you use it like contact cement, allowing both sides to dry (less than 5 min.), then aligning and pressing together. It is a good idea to clamp them together as you would with the GG. This eminates any voids from waves in the foam. If you try this out, you will still need GG for the wing to fuselage or H stab to fuselage joints. Or any T or L type joint. I am on my second plane on a 4 oz bottle and may have enough to build the Magnum Reloaded as well. It brushes on and dries very thin. Nice stuff! Attached files
This glue does not attack FFF. The only drawback is that there is no slip sliding the part around. Once you set it, thats it.
Okay, I did find a problem with my file. I did not count enough center laminations for the floats. The landing gear is 5 lams wide, so thats what I did for the floats. Well you need an extra lam on each side to get over the outside of the wheel pants. So the file is 4 float centers short of complete. I think you guys can figure out what to do. Anyway, I wanted to post another rendering with the floats. You will notice a tail skid in here too. That is in the SU and cut files as part of the center lamination. A pair of magnets in the bottom of the wheel pant to the float should keep them secure enough. Attached files
Lots of holes cut for lots of things. What is the rectangular hole for in the bottom of the fuse? Also, there is still a notch at the front of the fuse beneath the motor. Is this where the battery is intended to go? While I am at it, what a dynamite job in SketchUp. I will try to cut one tomorrow and see if I can figure oul what all the different holes are for. I am trying to figure out how to keep the servo wires inside the fuse before the outside panels are glued in place but I think I need to cut it out first and see what goes where. Again...GREAT JOB! I envy your skills. Chuck
Chuck, That pocket on the bottom is for the battery. I put is at the CG to allow different options since this plane will be fixed with no removable wing. Feel free to modify as needed or wanted, but the basic structure design is sound and fits together. Re uploaded the cut files. There was a problem with 1 of 2. I used the fold cut tool to cut a slot to insert the control horns. For some reason it was giving the routine fits. Changed it to a centerline cut and that resolved the problem. Also broke the SketchUP file into three seperate files to reduce the processing time. A Model and sheet 1 and sheet 2 files. The .zip is everything that has been updated into a single package.
Here are a few more screen shots to explain things. Hatches may be glued in place or simply tape sealed. Attached files
Hey guys, here are some pic's of my building progress. This is from "dz1sfb" reworked Magnum files. I am using a 1/8 bit & 1/4 FanFoldFoam. I still need to add the wing tips, motor & electronics will be next. As far as weight / as pictured , its weight is 4.5 oz. (this is with 2 -9gram servos in the fuselage).. Attached files
**** Remember there is a 1/16" bit 1/4" FFF file also posted...***** Here you go guys: Magnum Reloaded 1/8 Bit files Thanks again to "dz1sfb" , he did a heck of a job!! Attached files Magnum Reloaded 1of2OverHead.cnc (111.9 KB)Â Magnum Reloaded 2of2OverHead.cnc (370.1 KB)Â Magnum Reloaded FFF sheet 1of2OverHead.skp (1.6 MB)Â Magnum Reloaded FFF sheet 2of2OverHead.skp (3.4 MB)Â
Can I cut the overhead cnc files on my MKII" Why a 1/16 bit on the previous version and a 1/8 but on this latest version? Photos really look nice. Super job. Thanks. Chuck ...oh...did you have to heat the foam on the curved PVC to get the curve in the wing? Inquiring minds want to know...
Hey Chuck, No heating on the foam required, just take your time and roll over a tube or pipe. The foam will start to bend / form a curve, use a scape to practice. Just keep checking the bend and you will see where it needs more bending.. "dz1sfb" posted for a mk1 & 2 so you would have to only change the bit size ( in the parameters and do not check "over head gantry, leave unchecked) if using a 1/8" bit and regenerate the "G-code". That should do it..
Question; will changing the bit diameter in the parameters dialog automatically change to pre-existing 1/16" offset previously generated?