Thanks for all the help, I now have a new issue, and that is the "Normal Condition" light is blinking between Ab Norm to Normal, and aftr califbration it goes away, haven't seen that before. Ken
Mine comes and goes with the wind... I just ignore it as all is working well. I forget what the message is when I click it, but I googled it, and it was rather benign. What message do you get when you click it?
Double click the light and it will ask you if the conditions are normal, maybe a case of loading a metric toolpath vs. inch or vise verse. You can hit ok and it will green out to normal again Hope this helps Mark and Trish
Thanks for the response, I really didn't notice, I just went and re-califbrated and it went away. However, when I cut the phlatprinter large table it did fine on front half, but it over cut the brackets so I stopped it, and was going to try and figure out how to start at the bracket section instead of trying to start from the beginning. Ken
You can run from here in Mach3 but to be honest I never really used that function. Please let us know how you make out with that Ken, that would be good knowledge to have. Thanks Mark and Trish