OK... I think I have messed something up.....I had the power supply out of the machine so I could tighten the tension on one of the belts.. As I was moving the power supply back into the machine (during a cut... Stupid I know) all of a sudden the stepper motors stoppped and the fan stopped as well... All three fuses are intact.. and when I plug in the power source. you can hear the steppers activate... but I have no movement and the fan isnt on anymore... PLease tell me it is my power supply? Any help would be greatly appreciated... My yoda that usually helps me isnt answering his phone. Jeremy
Are all steppers not working, or just 1 or 2? I'm guessing all 3 are not working, so.... Check the voltage of the PS under load. A bad PS will still sometimes show OK with an open circuit. If that checks OK, check the voltages at the test points...
THanks for Answering...Sorry I never looked again... turns out it was the Z axis chip on the stepper board...as long as there was a good fuse in the z slot... the power supply would not turn on... If I pulled the fuse or blew it one... the power supply would come on and x and y would work...We sent off for a new stepper board and it got everything running great once we set the voltage pots on the new board.... Except now we are having x axis skewing....everything calibrates fine....but on long x motions, my foam gets skewed 1/16 to 1/8th of an inch... which really blows on trying to cut wings.. We think it is spring tension... but like the other current post... can't seem to nail it down.