Hey guyz here is the solar system we did for Abby's school project. She is VERY happy with the way it turned out The planets we printed on the PhlatBOT prototype using 1.75 ABS and the stand was 1/4" FanFold Phlatprinted on the Phlatprinter /// We did not print enough rings for the thinner rings, So we just cut some thin rings off the ends of a couple pvc pipes Mark and Trish Attached files Solar System.cnc (21.4 KB)Â Solar System.gcode (2.8 MB)Â Solar System.skp (6.3 MB)Â Solar System.stl (212.9 KB)Â
Great job! Now I have another reason/excuse to acquire the PhlatBOT.... to help the kids with their school work.
Thanks guyz Well as you know we are still working on the PhlatBOT as well as what will be a general default settings. So needless to say there were some problems with the print from the start. the Sun we had to print 3 times due to missed steps which was a result of the spool dragging the abs. We fixed it and bam a perfect print. We are working on a better set up for the spools so they spin even better. As for the time to print them it initially took about two hours, but since the sun messed up(and its the largest) I did a couple reprints and they took about an hour to complete. We have since modified the settings more and are getting even better print results. Mark and Trish