Here is my version of a FunBat. A very good flying model with low wingloading and excellent low speed characteristics. Spec's; Wingspan - 32" Airfoil - KFm2 Motor - Bue Wonder 1700 Kv 24g to 2208-12 1800 Kv 39g unit Prop - 7X6 ESC - 10-15A unit Servo - Two 9g units AUW - 7.9 oz Battery - 850 mAh 2s Attached are the .cnc and .skp files along with some pics Attached files FunBat with access slot.cnc (40.3 KB)Â FunBat.skp (2.1 MB)Â
Thanks Ken! Before I built my PP the Funbat was a popular fast scratch build in my circle of RCfliers. Can't wait to pop one off the PP. It is a very fun plane.
Thanks Blind Flight! I was able to put the Rx and ESC behind the firewall, and the battery sat right on the CG.
This is a really nice strong looking design and I bet it fly's good with all that wing area. Anyone ever us this as an AP platform? Great job Ken! Mark and Trish
It has very nice manners, but never tried AP with it. Also tried a model called the F&F (Fast & Furious), not sure it really lives up to that name. So between these two models I developed my own combat wing that has both of these beat hands down. Not sure I am ready to post the files here yet but here is a glimpse. Here is the current build thread with plans Attached files
I built one of these last week... really like the way the the cuts went.. Saved the templates.. but I got my phlatprinter yesterday... Any chances of some cut files for the stingray?
That looks great Ken! I've had my eye on an Alula for a quite some time as my first DS plane. This reminds me of it in many ways: I don't know if you guys know much about slope or dynamic soaring. As a flatlander FL boy who moved out to NorCal a few years ago, I'd never seen anything like it before. Some of the guys have some big bucks invested in this type of flying, and it is a very exciting microcosm of the hobby. With some mods, this Funbat might make a good sloper for an intro plane for me. Very nice work, and beautiful finish!
Cool link Chris! I never knew this kind plane existed for soaring. I too am from the FL flatland's Thanks for the link Mark and Trish
Yes, very similar to the Alula. Am also working on a sloper version of the StingRay. I believe the Funbat is a bit draggy for a good sloper though.
Well, I'd be very interested in giving your Stingray a try after you pave the way a bit. Subscribed to your RCG thread so I can keep an eye on it. TT
Has anyone else cut one of these out? I just cut one out with my MK3 and the main wing section was skewed off center a little bit... Quite possibly user error... But if it is... I cannot see it. JJ
my funbat came out perfect. I did hit the hinge sections with a corner of foam sanding block to get a nice hinge as there was a little material left to sand away... still top of my favorite for a fast build and great flier
OK... I will recalibrate it and try it again tomorrow... this plane was one of my favorites to build when i was hand cutting foam.... that and Leadfeathers Yak
Ken, in the pictures it looks like you are using FFF ,which is about 1/4", but in the plan the slots are 0.200" and in the parameter box you've put material thickness as 0.210". Is that on purpose?
All intentional! I make my slots on the snug side. This means less glue is required making joints easier to sand and or clean up. Since I have rarely found FFF to actually be .25" in thickness, and usually closer to .21" down to .2" I model for the minimum thickness. It is a whole lot easier to take material away than to add it on. The .21" in the parameter box makes sure I get through the thicker areas of foam, but not cut through my control surface hinge lines. There is some method to my madness, or is that the other way around? LOL
Here is my latest Bat with colored packing tape applied by My NON colorblind Honey...30 foot streamer for combat from Dollar Tree edit: Sorry it was a little blurry Attached files