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New Glitch after upgrading firmware?

Discussion in 'Planet - CNC USB Software' started by teched88, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. teched88

    teched88 New Member

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    I have a Phlatprinter MK3 USB.... I haven't had much time to play with it, but I'm running a few stock plans from the site.
    I am running off a couple of sheets of Blu Baby Primary 33's for the students to make in class.
    I ran off 4 planes with out a problem.
    I came in yesterday and saw there was a new firmware update for the CNC software so I updated and verified.
    The machine runs fine to line 920 but at line 921 ( Z .050 ) it doesn't retract the tool and zips across the blue foam.
    From there the program is off and all Z axis cuts are to deep because it never came up.

    The only thing I see different is that on line 920 and 922 there are no closed brackets at the end of the program line (shown on the CNC program) . It's a partial Bracket. I am not sure if it is related to updating firmware, ( I can't see how) but thats the only thing that changed.

    Any help with this would be appreciated.

    G01 X 29.871 Y 10.396 F250
    G00 Z 0.050
    G01 X 18.051 Y 3.461 F250
  2. teched88

    teched88 New Member

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    I've tried to edit the G code by going to the text editor in the CNC program, but it doesn't show brackets in the text editor, only in the program script.... What are these brackets? Can I edit the Gcode within the program script thats running within the CNC USB program or do I have to use the text editor? Do these Brackets mean anything or am I chasing the wrong thing?

    The open bracket looks like the top portion of the bracket on line 920
    The open bracket looks like a backwards L on line 922
    so when I mouse over or highlight the script, you see one large bracket encompassing lines 920, 921, 922..... I believe this is why line 921 ( G00 Z .050 ) is not read. ????

    I've deleted the three lines and re wrote them in text editor, but the brackets appear the same in the script when I save and update them. This is the only place I see a partial bracket. All other lines have complete brackets at the end of the code line.
  3. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Hello teched88,
    Sorry to hear your having this issue. Lets see if we can figure it out.
    Do you have the plan and code you can post so we can take a look at it?
    Mark and Trish
    The brackets that you are seeing in CNCUSB are normal for that program so they cannot be edited out.
    Attached files [​IMG]
  4. teched88

    teched88 New Member

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  5. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Hi Brian,
    Attaching pics and files to post tutorial
    You may have to click on the link below the video and save it to your computer to view it.

    As for the plane design. I believe that you are using an older version of the Phlatscript/SketchUcam. You should grab the new one here.

    I reworked your file with the new one and it worked out OK. I noticed one error was that you have the bottom fuse side hanging over the safe cutting area just a bit and it caused it not to show up in the code. This may have cause the problem.

    attached are the reworked files, let me know how they work out for you
    Mark and Trish Attached files BB33 UC parts_reworked.cnc (24.8 KB)Â BB33 UC parts_reworked.skp (427.5 KB)Â
  6. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    Hay Mark;
    How did you get the airfoil shape in the 3D view?

  7. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Hi Dave I did not make that airfoil that was the file teched88(Brian) made. I am just trying to help him with some gcode output issues.
    I thought it was well done too :)
    Mark and Trish
  8. teched88

    teched88 New Member

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    That airfoil wasn't mine.
    dz1sfb (Ken) made that phlatcode from Tony65x65's original plans....
    Going back to where I found it, I see that he said it was his first serious attempt at sketchup, which is far better than what I have been able to produce.

    Mark and Trish, The phlatcode for the blubaby 33 that you reworked is awesome!!
    I cannot thank you enough. My mk3 cut it out flawlessly. It runs this new program VERY smoothly.

    I choose the blu baby for my students to learn on. The new code works great!! I was able to get 8 sheets cut out the day you posted the fix for me. The students are building them now.

    I took some pics of the students and shop in action.

    So far
    We have been flying the blu baby on FMS
    We have cut out 8 planes on the phlatprinter
    We have built a wing jig for the air foil ( we went old school and bake our wings )
    We built a hot wire cutter for the mono block
    We built a thrust stand to test out the motors and see the effects of different prop combos
    We also wired two volt meters in line ( one for current and one for volts ) to get the power reading of different motor/prop set ups.
    We are luck enough to have a wind tunnel to study lift.
    We are trying to figure out how to incorporate the Phlatformer ........ maybe wheel skirts??

    The year is coming to and end, and it won't be long until we are out flying in the beautiful weather we've been having.

    Thanks again for all of your help. We couldn't have done it with out you and all of the wonderful people who have helped us out along the way.

    Brian Anderson
    Technology Education
    Connellsville Jr. High East
    Connellsville, PA 15425
  9. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Wow! This is awesome newz Brian! Thank you so much for sharing your successes with us. We are so happy to hear that the Phlatprinter has become a tool for you and your students to enjoy. You mentioned pics but there weren't any attached. Could you please post them when you get a chance?


    Mark and Trish

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