Calling all MK1 owners! We are looking to assemble as many belt mod pics and information on the MK1.5 belt mod kit in one place that we can to make it a little easier for the new guyz who want to do this mod to their Phlatprinters. As some of you may know back in the day there was a fellow PhlatCLUB member called dbtoutfit who sold a version of the belt mod. There were some problems with his customer support and to make a long story short, this kit no longer exist. I have (what I think is the last remaining version of that kit, but lack the install instructions. So if anyone out there can post better pics of how this kit was installed I think it will help the future members who would like to make up their own. I have taken some pics of the kit i have before I send it out to a PhlatCLUB member here who is looking to do this mod. Thank you all in advance Mark and Trish The following are a few pics that PhlatCLUB member Dorsal posted of his kit install back in the day that could be helpful: Thread is here viewtopic.php?f=107&t=141&start=100#p6348 Attached files
Hey guys. I almost forgot I have the pdf file for the instructions. Here it is. Attached files MK1.5 Kit.pdf (3.3 MB)Â
If you put the stepper and block in side you lose some of the y axis length. It will Hit the gantry Cheers E-T
I notched my granty so I didn't lose any travel. I had it out so why not lighten it some too I figured. Made many lightning holes. Also added a small roller bearing to the to top to reduce the frictional drag from my sagging top piece along with pointing LED's at the bit end for reference. The belt mod is the mod to do on the MK1
Yep... 110% accurate on that one I also added a rotozip flex shaft to my MKI and I really liked it over the Dremel... Here's a link to my belt mod showing it on the outside. For me anyway, it was easier to install, and I didn't loose any Y travel. Thread also shows how I mounted the Rotozip flex shaft handle viewtopic.php?f=107&t=1618
I believe Mark and Trish sell the belts/pulley. At least they used to. That's where I got mine. The mod itself will be up to you as the kit is no longer available. It really isn't that hard. My version is linked a few posts up, and if you do a search, you'll find a few more examples.
Check out and type in the search. they may not be on listed yet but they are there. As you type the search you will see live results. Belt: ... _p_37.html Pulley: ... _p_31.html We need to get that store up to date. The products are there just have not listed them yet Mark and Trish
Hello My name Angelo 'm from Brazil , a survey under CNC and found phlatprinter and liked it occupies little space, like to ride one, but not against the drawings with the measurements of the parts, is to help me , where I find the drawings or CAD or PDF. Thanks a lot for the help.
You can find the drawings at The phlatprinter is not in production any more, a good replacement is the OX from Openbuilds.