That stinks about the maiden, and I am sure you will get it worked out But wow them are some nice looking legz you got going on there Great job on the paint too from what I can see Bruce Looking forward to your next report Mark and Trish
Ok here are some pictures ........ You can see that the gear has been moved around a "LOT" moved the gear from the chest to the back because i had some control rod flexing BADLY.. the battery has been moved 4 or 5 times....... also the foam where the control horn on the right knee has been replaced . I had some torque issues with the stock beast prop so i changed the prop to a Gws 4040. No more issues there It looks as thought the cg is right on the circle on the chest but wont be 100% sure till i am able to fly him again without all this wind ! Every time i make an adjustment he just keeps getting better and better. i cant wait to get a video for you guys to show you :girl_cray2: Attached files
nice I really like the way the legs work I am getting me some 3mm depron this weekend at a swap meet here in my town
That looks fantastic Bruce! looking forward to the video. Great build my brother! Yeah glen that is cool and I think they are the original RC superhero from He has had these guys out there for years, but they were always really expensive. $345 just for the foam and carbon kit! Mark and Trish
Couple real short video's That stinking wind I tried fellas, ............ But as usual the wind came up when the wife came out :girl_cray2: But hey . You got to see it fly
Nice job Bruce! Way to go man Thanks for putting this up so quick for us I know you would have rather waited for the wind to slow. Mark and Trish
I've been extremely busy lately and I know I have way too many projects going, but I managed to finally get my Iron Man in the air. I cut everything out shortly after the sketchup files were posted and they've been sitting in a box until today. Everything cut great, the plans were awesome! I do not have a video of my flights, but I will be fixing that this week. My first flight went fine, but I felt like I needed a little more umph and control, so I changed the motor and tweaked my throws. The second flight was perfect, the Iron Man flew great and had plenty of power. Shortly after launching it behind my neighborhood, I could here people talking in the background. I heard: "Wow, it looks like a person flying" "Thats cool" "Hey guys, look at that" My favorite one was from my good friend, each word seemed like they were 15 seconds apart. "That ................. Is .................... AWESOME! I want to scale it up just a hair. The motor I'm using really needs a 9" prop, so I'll make the change to the prop cutout and let everything else adjust accordingly. Then I'll be painting it in the classic Red and Gold colors and adding LEDs for some night time fun. I'll be sure to post some pictures and video. Thanks again for the plans!!
Fly Dude MEDIUM SIZE 23"x33" fits on one sheet of FFF. Cheers E-T Attached files FlyDude IronMan_Medl_final.skp (1.6 MB)Â
Hey guyz added this to the Phlatforum free plans section, I think everyone can have fun with this Mark and Trish
hey guyz ! i have a clip Iron Man in vietnam the sky, very very very funy.hihihihi i like leg. Iron Man is swimmer