I hope this is not a silly question. Phlatprinter is built, softwear installed & i have even done a dry run...ie no foam . Nice to see it alive and moving. Now the Jog control key pad does not do anything, apart from the numlock key making an LED turn on and off, and in the little display window in the bottom right of the CNC softwear puts numbers and such there. How does this key pad jog the machine ? Is there some check box i have to tick in the softwear ? Been through the DVDs and im still at a loss Steve
Hi Steve congratulations on completing the build! Maybe that the keypad divers did not install correctly? You can look under the device manager to see them. Its really just an extension of the keys on the keyboard. Are the keyboard arrow keys jogging the machine ok? You will want to make sure that the number lock led is off for it to work Once again great job Steve Welcome to the PhlatCLUB Mark and Trish
DOes it jog with arrows on the standard keyboard? If yes then problem with keypad communicating with PC (Also can check by opening notepad and typing some numbers) Else software config. It's been ages, but don't you have to enable this?
Steve, if it writes numbers it will not jog! It works in parallel to your keypad on your keyboard. Only when the keypads are turned off (can't print numbers) do the arrow keys work.
Thank you every body, Even the numeric keypad on the keyboard does not jog the phlatprinter but they both work..reinstalled drivers etc...num lock led is off and even set it up so it beeps, just incase i go blind lol. so the only way i can jog it at the moment is with my mouse. Both of them can page up & down, scroll left and right, scroll up and down.....just dont seem to work on the phlatprinter. will say the keyboard im using is wireless. Im using XP sp3. Do i splash out on a new pc/laptop with win7 ?
Are you using Mach, or USB? If Mach, I believe there is a setting in there somewhere to enable the jog. It's been years now since I set mine up (Hard to imagine, huh) and I remembering having to enable something to get it to jog. Not sure about the USB Yoram, I was suggesting typing numbers into Notepad to verify communication between the keypad and PC.
Looks like the new version of the cncusb software is having issues with the keyboard I will ask Planet-Cnc about this and see if he can help.
We have not had a chance to look at the new release yet but it sounds like from the features you can map the keys the way you want perhaps with the settings? Mark and Trish
I have just finished my MKiII machine and what a work of "art", nice job Mark. I too am having and issue with the jogging, I can jog on the keyboard or the number pad but when I stop I have to use the mouse on the software to unlock jog... but it does it everytime, almost like it times out and you then need to bump it Ken
I haven't changed any settings and I can now jog with the number pad with the num lock on and the axis are not correct Y works on the X and Z operates on the Y and X is backwards... on the keyboard nothing works, however if I hold down the ctrl button everything seems to work.I am not sure how the keyboard mapping would have any effect, also don't want to make it worse. It is difficult enough trying to set bit height for a distance. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Ken
Hello Ken Sorry for the delay in response we are still catching up around here from the vacation, our body's want to stay on island time! This seems to be more of a software issue with cncusb so I will be moving this thread there in hopes that Planet-CNC will help out. In the meantime I am upgrading to the latest version to see if I can reproduce this error on my end. I will shoot Andrej a PM about this thread. Thanks guyz Mark and Trish
For jogging keyboard to work: - Default keybord settings are OK. If you modified keys settings you might want to restore defaults. - Numlock light on keyboard must be ON otherwise keyboard is acting like arrow keys. - MDI (input box at bottom right of screen) must NOT be focused.