Hi Nick, Go to the 'Must have sketchup plugins' here: http://www.phlatforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=95&start=0 and scrol down to the Exporting to DXF and STL plugin This should help Mark and Trish
I have exported dxf to VcarvePro using the "lines" and "polylines" without any problems other than once I have them in VcarvePro I have to rescale them as they are much larger than what I created in sketchup.
Check Vcarve and make sure that you are importing in the right measurement system from SketchUp to Vcarve for instance SketchUp metric to Vcarve metric or standard to standard
Only wanted to say I have built a few of these. I am flying them with Blue Wonder outrunners and a 350 mAh 3s lipo. Prop is a 8x4. This little plane flies great on this combo. Very fast and acrobatic. Nice design that goes together nicely and builds straight. Good job! Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Thanks all, with help from the sketchup family the problem has been resolved I can now convert to coreldraw which means I can use the files in my laser. Nick
Glad you liked it Chuck! Thank-you for the motor/lipo info. After the test flights I changed to a 7 x 6 prop to get more speed, and it certainly nips around even when the wind is blowing strong. Many of my previous foamies of this size were aimed at calm weather or indoor flight with more wing area and some wing incidence. The Stick has no incidence and less wing area and certainly meets my needs for something which motors along. Any chance you could post some photos? Steve
I'll try to get a photo or two posted. Mine do not look as great as the blue air=brushed version. I usually make decals (stickers) on my ink jet printer using Print Shop. I use full sheet clear or white paper and then have to spray it with Minwax Laquer to keep moisture from messing up the stickers. I also use various colors of 3m packing tape which is light and stays on well. I did want to mention that I have started adding a cooling intake on the battery cover and a hole in the bottom of the fuse. The battery gets a little warm in that small compartment. Question: Is anyone else have problems with Hobby King 10 amp speed controls or did I just get a bad batch? Perhaps I should be asking if anyone else even uses these speed controls. Again, this little plane meets my needs for a easy=to=build, fast enough, easy to transport sport flyer and it is a great addition to anyone's hanger. Going to try a 1700 kv 24gm motor with a little smaller prop to see what happens. Chuck
Steve. Here are photos of two I have finished. Note I have added air scoops to the battry compartment cover and I have cut holes in the bottom of the fuse to try to get a little air past the battery. I am using 3s, 350 mAh SKY LIPOS from Hobby Partz (damned good batteries for under three bucks). The Red and White plane has a 24gm 1300kv motor and the mostly White plane has a 24gm 1700 motor. Not sure at the moment which does better. 1300kv has a 8x4 prop and the 1700 has a 7x3.5. We'll see. Two previous versions of this little plane fly great! At this point in time, I think the 24gm Blue Wonder is the motor of choice. Plenty of power, flight longevity, and speed (all depending on the prop). I did not get to try it with the original motor on the blue one posted here, I have the motor but lost the screws that attach the prop. Duh!!. I want to try to paint one RED and another YELLOW, but no time at the moment. Hope the photos are okay. Oh, by the way, the sticker says: Landfill Aviation (because it is only a matter of time). Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana... Attached files
Chuck, those are very small batteries for this motor. What kind of flight time do you get. I have the 1300kv one form here http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor ... oduct=2069 and I use the 1000ma Zippy batteries with a 9x5 prop and I get only about 7min.
Never really timed the flights, but about ten minutes I guess. I am a big chicken and always land a little early. A 500 mAh will fit in the space also. Not too much room in this compartment for much more battery. Chuck
Than I must have been doing something wrong since I get on the big pack only 7-8 min. Oh well... back to the drawing board. :girl_cray2:
I could be (probably am) wrong about the time. "Balls Out", needless to say decreases flight time. I may be a "half-throttle" kind of flyer. Whatever, throttle management MUST be the answer. Orginally, this little Stick flew on a 500 mAg 2s and did pretty well. I do not know what the flight times were. Next time I fly, I will time it and see. Could be I am only flying 3 or 4 minutes and don't know the difference. Chuck
Chuck Thank-you for posting the photos of your models, it's always nice to see if there are some improvements I can make to the design or other designs in the future. You've done a great job on your's! Your 2s motor combination sounds very similar to mine. I found that changing my GWS 8 x 4.3 prop for the GWS 7 x6 prop gave much better speed on 2S. Not lots extra, but it was easier to use more of the throttle movement. I'm glad you liked the Ugly Stick! I am still putting together a larger 35" version which has 3 layers of foam to create a symmetrical Kfm wing section. This will give it extra strength for the power/speed and aerobatics and also allows me to hide twin aileron servos in the wing ( a 9gram servo is about the same as 2 layers of foam). If your try a 7 x 6 prop for a flight, let me know how you get on. Steve
Steve. will give that prop a try next time out. Thanks again for the design and am anxiously awaiting the larger version. Chuck