I've run into drouble importing dwf's into sketchup. The arcs do not end at the same point in the skecthup import as drawn in AutoCAD. This leave gaps and overlaps. Any thoughts? Thanks Attached files
Humm. I have imported autocad 2000 into SU with no problems, but I export to dxf first. Did you try exporting to dxf and import that ?
Yes, I ment dxf, not sure what I was thinking with the dwf, anyway, I tried exporting to different years of dxf's but all import the same, the arcs do not meet. I have also saving as earlier dwgs as well.
DO you want to post the file, and I'll take a look? Even at it's best the DXF import function needs a bit of clean up.
Yep... This is typical AutCAD/DXF import. You need to clean it up by connecting the open lines. Sometimes it will be better, and sometimes worse. Also the rectangles need to be changed as they are not their own faces. Simply remove one line, and re-draw. You will then see the rectangle has it's own face. Same with the circles... I re-drew those by finding center of the existing circle, and drawing a line to the edge of the circle. Then drew the new circle using the line as the center, and one end. It actually took longer to type this, than to change the file... SU doesn't have the best import for DXF. I use DevCAD/CAM for my DXF stuff. MUCH Cleaner. Attached files RibTest.skp (21.8 KB)Â
For whatever it is worth, I figured it out. AutoCad Ellipses don't play well with Sketchup. :roll: Convert the ellispe to an Arc and it imports just fine.
Brookline, we lived in Dormont years ago... You should st out at the ARCS for some weekend flying. Interesting about the line type in autocad, I never reall looked into it that much as I really don't import much