Hi Phlatforum Attached are a couple of pictures of my latest design which is approaching completion. It still needs the gear and linkages connecting up and the trim decoration. However I need a name for my latest Sketchup/Phlatprinted model? The model will hopefully be a good sports/trainer model and is 48" span. Constructed completely from 6mm and some 3mm depron and has an aerofoil wing section. I am hoping that it works and if so intend to scale it up from 48" to 72" or even 96" (for metric 120cm, 180cm, 240cm or 1200mm, 1800mm, 2400mm), so ideally the name may include one of these numbers or a word which can be added to the name to imply it's a larger version of the same plane. Any suggestions appreciated, but I'm sorry to say there is no prize if I choose your name just thanks to a very creative group of people. Steve Attached files
Thanks for the ideas guys, any similarity to other trainers is possible because I reviewed many for ideas. My main criteria was a simple angular shape with the minimum of curves so the Sketchup wasn't too hard for me. Yellow colour is due to trying a different covering method for me and it could of easily been multi coloured. But I do like the name. Here's an uncovered photo in the foam. Steve Attached files
Hi Steve, Very nice looking aircraft. I like the sharp angular shapes and because of these would call it the 'Arrow Hawk' You could always add the numbers in there as well, but maybe in front just to be a little different like the 120 Arrow Hawk Hope this helps Mark and Trish
How about Alpha as it is a "first" plane Or going with Mark's theme of adding a number, Alpha xxx where xxx is the square inches of the wing
Hi Guys Thanks for the ideas for far. Bumble Bee was one I had also thought of. I had paused on the decoration waiting for a name and if I choose this then I'm tempted to cut the attached logo out to complete the look. I bit concerened that it constrains the model to yellow if I make larger versions of the same, so still thinking... I dismissed Alpha because several club members have the Alpha 450 and I wanted something similar shape and size but an own design. Steve Attached files
Ahhhh.... Never thought of that/realized it was there... Keeping with the first theme.... how about freshman xxx? Or Prime xxxx?
I like the 'Freshman 120' sounds like a good name. If you like the bee idea you could always go with Hornet 120 because they come in many colors and is more of a general term with the same stinging impact Mark and Trish
Thank-you for your help PhlatBoyz and PhlatGirlz, I finally decided on Honey Bee as the name. I felt that Bumble Bee could be used for a biplane version and Queen Bee or Super Bee for larger ones, leaving Wee Bee if I wanted to go smaller. Tailwheel and RC gear is now installed and waiting for some dry weather for a test flight. Seeing as it's a national holiday weekend (Jubilee) in the UK, it's raining! Attached files
We were lucky to get a calm day on Sunday to test the plane out. Amazed to report absolutely no trim input was required and the model is very easy to fly with adequate power and duration. Very pleased with the performance that the aerofoil gives over flat plate wings both in the climb out and engine off glide. After a long summers day and 20 lipos discharged through the model (I was at the field very early) the only snag was a loose tailwheel. I'm hoping that the performance will be equally as good in modest winds and want to explore if it will roll on rudder control.
Thats when you know you have your design dialed in! I like the layout of the components on this aircraft they are neat and are nicely done. Looks to be flying perfectly. Nice Job
Looks Great in the air! I'm sure it will roll just fine. Looks a lot like a streamed line Nifty 50 I used to have. I was able to easily roll mine. Almost got a rolling circle out of it . It would spin really well too... almost got the dang thing flat. Back in the day I had an old K&B .28 in mine. Lost this one when the wire connecting the elevator pot came off on the transmitter. This was an Airtronics radio. The poor thing kept doing inverted loops as it got closer and closer to the ground... Ripped the head right off the motor when it "landed" Boy I miss that plane. Here's a link to some Florio planes, including the Nifty 50. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... stcount=25 The guy was WAY ahead of his time. Nice LIGHT, strong construction. My flying buddy was actually friends with John Florio. One heck of a nice guy. Link to Florio kits: http://greatflyerrc.com/kits/
Mark.... I always find that a tidy installation helps if you want reliable flying week after week, otherwise it's too easy to pull connections loose on some vital wiring. rcav8r.... I do see the similarity if I swapped the U/C and wheel pants for wire and larger wheels it wouldn't be a million miles apart. Interesting that the E version on the website uses a 2200 3S lipo which I was expecting to need because I thought that I may need the throttle open more and hence it would eat up the 1300 capacity which I installed. Only a test on a breezy day will prove this. I imagine that I may settle on 1600-1800 size lips for the optimum weight/duration trade off but I like to pick a couple of pack sizes and standardise across many models. Watching the video of the low passes makes me want to build another and possibly go for tricycle U/C, reduce the dihedral and fit strip or inset ailerons.
Yea, if they were set across the street and you squinted they would look like the same plane Seriously, only mentioned it because the appears to have the same moment arms and such, and I LOVED mine, so this one should behave the same. Personally I LOVE the taildragger look for this one. Seems to REALLY fit the plane. Ailerons would be a nice addition, but there is something charming about a simple 3 channel airplane that will roll and spin... offer 2 wing choices; they would be easy enough to swap at the field.