Found this on RC Groups and worked it up in SU, it uses a 1/16th bit. I added the original authors build file to the zip file. I also have not worked up the small wood parts nor have I cut the plane out yet as I am waiting on a new board from easy-cnc Attached files Mako Construction Guide.pdf (1.5 MB)Â Mako_1.cnc (110 KB)Â Mako_2.cnc (59.6 KB)Â mako.skp (1.8 MB)Â
I saw this on RCG as well, and have also been working it up in SketchUp. Our local club has a float fly twice a year, and for several years I have been taking my Polaris. I am anxious to get this one cut out for our next outing in October. It will be interesting to see how it flies compared to the Polaris, which is by far my favorite float plane...
Jeff, I used your drawings, as you were much further ahead than me. The only thing I changed was to flip a few of the pieces so that I could leave the plastic on the FFF as a hinge. I'll be putting this together this week. Thanks for posting!