[attachment=1]DSC00364.JPG [attachment=0]DSC00366.JPG I am having trouble cutting circles, and the smaller ones are looking like eggs. It happerns in both Mach3 and CNC USB. I have double checked the coide and all seems right, radius etc. Any help is greatly appreciated. Attached files
The 'bump in the road' is typical of backlash. You'll have to adjust your backlash. Is this on the x axis?
Yorum, yes I beleive that it is the X, not sure that I understand how to adjust the backlash, I will explore that, however thanks for your input. Ken
Ken, another thought is that looks to me like you maybe missing a few steps on that circle picture. Now most of us know by now that the circles on the X are hard to get tweaked in right but they would have a look of more an ellipse shape if it were pure backlash. The picture looks more like half of the circle is offset which to me is more a sign that it could be missing a step or two on the transition back across the arc. You may want to try and see if you could up the current a little on the trouble axis and try again. Hope this is helpful Mark and Trish
double check the pully tightness.....mine did that once, and i found out it was slipping. took out screw and made a little drill point dimple...and all was good. peace, randy.
Mark, that is not a missed step. You get that pattern when you have backlash. Randy said he had a pulley slipping, which is a cause for backlash, and he saw the pattern too. BTW, Randy, I thought you where dead. Don't be a stranger, my man!!!
I to have to agree with Randy on this one, after looking more at the ramp to the hump. I think this is more likely a loose pulley not belt backlash or missed steps. Good eye Randy glad to see you back bro Mark and Trish