I had a KK blackboard collecting dust after installing a KK 2.0 board on my tricopter so I decided to make a cheap simple quad. I used the following power system. Turnigy 2204 motors SimonK'd plush 6A esc's 1000 mah 2S battery 8x4.3 props The frame is made out of fan fold foam that I milled on my phlatprinter. It isn't strong but it is very light and easy to repair. Ready to fly weight is 266 grams. The small square bit is a power distribution board made out of some very thin copper clad glued onto a piece of 1/32 plywood. Attached files quad.skp (166.7 KB)Â
266 grams! Thats is an awesome use of fanfold awesome Great job on this Helno and thank you for sharing Mark and Trish Attached files
Did you paint over your distro board? Drop a screw or paper clip on there and it might go up in smoke.
It does have a thin coat of ca glue over it. This guy runs on only 2 cells and the only screws are holding the motors on. Next up is to make a prop shroud for indoor flying.