I've been in and around machine shops for 30+ years, making anything from 3-ton castings to optical instrument mounts. And I've ducked my share of broken mills and mis-clamped parts. I got titanium chips in my eyes from drilling specialty fasteners out, sliced rivet heads off with a rivet gun, and shot thousands of rivets per week for months on end. Yep, been there.
the way you tirelessly worked on that printer. i really like the drive system you have on the y-axis....real slick....designed like a big vinyl cutter. i didn't see how you did the x and z thou...hopefully you can post some photos of the drive set-ups. way to go, good job mark. as far as trish, im kinda disapointed in her....i was waitin, and waitin for that "trish hacksaw action" that never came....lols. just funnin you two....great work to you both.....peace, randy.
You guys were great thank you glad you like it so far. We are working on cleaning out the upstairs tonight looks like we are going to be snowed in for a day so we should have some time to dig into it. Thanks again for all you guys who are watching and keeping it fun We will be hooking the live cam up in the new MKII home (upstairs) and broadcasting live to move into the next test cutting phase. We are going to set up a live feed that will be on all the time so that you can check in and see what the Phlatprinter MKII is cutting. Thanks again to you all and we will see you soon. Mark and Trish
Hi Mark & Trish, Got some questions about the Z-axis: In the videos you posted (modded mk1), was the Z-axis converted over to belt drive? Does the belt driven Z axis hold position, when it is unpowered? Curious, if it drops due to its own weight. -Kwok
oh man I want a kit that has everything except the parts I already have from the MKI. I can't wait to see if you guys will sell one and at what price. Is anything other than the board and steppers used from the first one?