This is a quick guide to get your USB CNC controller to work on Windows 8 until updated drivers are released. The current drivers will work, but are unsigned and by default Windows will not allow them to install. I grabbed the drivers from my Windows 7 installation and they are attached below. Download the drivers, unzip them and place them somewher you can find them. Restart the computer while holding the shift key. You should come up to the Troubleshooting screen. From there select Advanced options, then startup options, then hit the restart button. when the computer restarts you will land on the the startup options screen. Use the arrow keys to select disable driver signiture enforcement and hit the enter key. You can usually( but always) get to this screen by pressing the F8 key during bootup but before windows starts. The first method always works. When Windows opens to the Metro screen, hit the Desktop tile. Open the folder containing the drivers. Right click on CNC_USB_Controller.inf (if you can't see the file extensions, go to the folder and search options (under organize in the explorer menu) and uncheck the box for "hide extensions of known file types" found under the view tab) select install You should now get a warning about the driver being unsigned. Install it anyway. You should now be up and running! Attached files (99.6 KB)Â
Nice write up and work around Phill Thank you for taking the time to write this up and share it with us all. Mark and Trish