I am so excited to have discovered SketchUCam! Thank you. But I am having trouble getting clean G-code out. Both in 3D mode and flat mode. I have radically simplified my goals to create a test just putting half-deep channels into squares of acrylic and a perimeter cut. But the code I am getting out is totally wonky. :girl_cray2: I have scoured the help forum and not found similar problems/solutions (but I did find other good solutions! thank you). Everything is in the safe zone.I have tried different sequences of setting the cut lines down and found the closest to working is to set the perimeter as an outer cut and then come back in and add the cross cuts on the sheet as a centerline at 50% (I tried the fold tool and that didn't work). I have to do it in this order because if there is a centerline touching a perimeter of the box when I go to create the outer cut it wants to follow that line too. Also when I do put the centerlines in after the perimeter cut I find that if the centerlines cross they do not output correctly. I am also getting some centerline cuts not being generated into g-code at all and also some outer cut lines in the g-code misplaced half way across the square. I am trying to groove 0.25 acrylic to slide the panels together into the nice slots, glue it up, then hand route with a bearing bit the 1/8in overlap left after the glue up. Also, does anyone know if it is possible to modify the order of cuts without editing in the g-code text file directly? Sometimes it would be nice to have it travel more efficiently. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. Struggling here. I have attached the Sketchup, g-code generated, and a description file for reference. (Once I get this resolved I am also having problems with the 3D code not outputing perfectly that someone may have some insight on--one problem at a time...) Thanks! -Lampguy Attached files 5x5 Box Problem description.pdf (232.3 KB)Â 5x5 box .cnc (3.3 KB)Â 5x5 box.skp (143.9 KB)Â
Hello LampGuy, Welcome to the Phlatforum Looking over your files I think the issue maybe the recess lines touching the outer edge lines creating separate faces. You will need to leave any line that you want to cut at a different depth separate from any other line. Sketchucam works by looking at the faces created by edge lines. The fold tool breaks the end of a line away from any touching lines by a 1/32" to disconnect it from making separate faces. This works normally but in your case you have a few recess lines that overlap each other so then its going to try and break away all the touching lines from each other. Your best bet here in my opinion would be to take a little off of each recess line that is touching an outer-wall line and then use the center line tool on the recess lines. I have included an example output code pic as well as a pic showing the edges where I took 1/32" off to break it away from the other box edge. I added the cnc code as well as the SketchUp so that you can see how it was created. Hope this helps Attached files 5x5 box 12-4 All Components w 25 bit.cnc (4.6 KB)Â 5x5 boxSU7.skp (145.3 KB)Â
GENIUS! I think that did it. THANK YOU. Funny, it is usually something simple but as yet uknown when dealing with Sketchup issues! I am off and running.
Glad to hear it Adam Your work at the FireFarm.com is awesome BTW!! Keep up the good work We would love to see any projects that you are able to create with SketchUcam if you can share them. Thank you Mark and Trish