Hello all, I just noticed under the Phlatboyz kits, that you are changing from MDF to aluminum and offering a open source as well. Are there any updates on this? I am interested in the open source design. Thanks! Brody
Hello Brody, Yes this is the plan, we hope to have something ready to share soon. Been crazy busy around here lately
We were thinking more along the lines of a new Phlatprinter that would be all aluminum, and designed for foam Mark and Trish
Paule, aluminum is a great material to use on a Phlatprinter IMO, I am about 90% finished building a Phlatprinter out of 8020 but two moves and bad health put it on the back burner . Hope to get back to it soon, too near completed to let it set. (and I want to find out if/how it works)
Hey lovebugjunkie, I may be calling on you for some help it getting our version going We are stuck at the moment (and once again) on deciding on the pressure roller system. Maybe we can all work together to get the best little Phlatprinter out there to every model maker who needs one I will send you a PM Mark and Trish
Mark, I'll give you one guess as to where I stopped, I was running into a problem of finding what I thought would work for pressure rollers.
Instead of a pressure roller system, what about a moving bed (spoil board)? You could use different sized beds for different projects. The bed could move via R&P gears. You guys have been at this a lot longer than me, but the pressure roller setup is the only thing I would really want to change on my PP3. :02cents: I know no matter what you guys decide on, it will be great. Keep at it and good luck!!
While the pressure roller have their limitations the biggest advantage they give is that you are not limited in the length of the part that you are cutting, only the width. Try to build a machine that will cut the stuff that Neil Blanchard had cut for his electric car. The cost will be way greater than what we paid for the PP III. Just my :02cents:
I hope with this one we can get back to the basics of the foam cutter for the Phlatprinter and then come up with say a 2'x4' (maybe smaller desktop mill) machine just for wood parts,etc I really want to get back to a simple and inexpensive foam cutting machine for everyone to use. I think we are pushing the capabilities of what the roller style Phlatprinter machines can do and it time to divide and conquer, to have the best of both worlds. If we can keep the cost down this would be the idea way to proceed. I hope to have somthing to post soon just need to clear the plate of a few other projects first. Mark and Trish
An x-axis bed/frame with rack and pinion would be awesome; then the vacuum could be shrouded down very close to the sheet. Another tweak would be to have a vacuum evacuating dust from under the machine; though if the upper vacuum was close enough to get most of it, then maybe not. Tension bolts or cams to snug up the gantry rail bearings would get around the three-hand assembly steps. And this would reduce the lash, as well.
In my opinion, the original Phlatprinter design is perfect. It is a low cost solution for people getting into the DIY CNC router projects such as myself. All the above ideas are great however I think the pressure roller system is genius. I am anxious to see what the near future holds at the phlatforums! Thank again!