Hey guys, Here are some pics from the AMA Expo today. Attached files (Medium).jpg" style="max-width:300px" /> converted_files/42063=15849-DSC_0119 (Medium).jpg"> tforumVB/converted_files/42063=15863-DSC_0133 (Medium).jpg" class="gc-images" title="DSC_0133 (Medium).jpg" style="max-width:300px" />
Wow nice pics Al! man wish we were there. These planes are top notch The GeeBee is a beauty and I love the white knight too, but my fav is the camel Thank you for post these Mark and Trish
Mark and Trish I know you guys could sell some machines at that show. People would love to see them in action and with your great service you would do very well. Nitro
Thanks for the kind words Nitro We hope to do shows again its great meet so many awesome people into all the same things we are. Plus its a great experience to get out there and have some fun. Mark and Trish
Great pics!! How was the attendance. I know the last few years the attendance at the Toledo shows seemed a little low. Still loads of people, just lest than in past years.