So this weekend I wanted to try out sculptris. Sculptris is a free program similar to zbrush where you can easily model organic shapes via a sculpting method (its like sculpting clay). I was super impressed with this program and was able to easily make this head in under an hour with only watching this tutorial and playing around with the program for a half hour to get a feel for the tools [vimeo][/vimeo] Attached files .jpg] .jpg] .jpg] DragonHead Test.sc1 (977.4 KB)Â
Hey this is cool . I wonder if that program will allow for export in stl or cnc. can you slice it so it could be modeled in slices with sketchup ? :idea:
Awesomeness! Nice job Nick I really love that program There are a few more cool ones to check out at the bottom of this post you guyz may like as well. viewtopic.php?f=180&p=39575#p33968 Mark and Trish
Bruce sculptris does not allow export to stl. It is to .obj only. I used Netfabbs free desktop software give it a nice flat base to print from and then used it to convert it to an stl file. From there I suppose you could import it into sketchup to slice up further if you wanted but since I had my stl to slice with cura I didn't try that.
Also be sure to check out MeshLAB for conversion as well Mark and Trish
Sculptris frees you from the need to worry about your model's geometry. As you model, Sculptris is constantly analyzing the surface to ensure that there are enough triangles to display the details that you're creating.