As some of you may know I got 3 crazy Mutts around the house and as mutts are wanton to do they love treats particularly the pet ice cream. Well these are crazy expensive for the few seconds of enjoyment my wife, dogs and I get are not worth the expense. My wife however found the recipe to make them ourselves ... -paws.html We also thought it would be cute to add little extra flare by freezing the pet ice cream into Paw and bone molds so I used the 3D printer to create some patterns (white on the pic below) then the Phlat former to create the ice cube trays Ala Mark and Trishes example. Well then I was left with 4 Plastic paws and 4 bones. What to do with them! I glued some magnets on the back and use them on the fridge to hold all the lovely pics of the pets and other stuff. I also gave a set to the neighbors. I would add more of a slope to the parts so they slid out easier and make the paws about half the height they are now [attachment=4]20120713_210630[1].jpg[/attachment] As a bonus I included an aerial pic of Sydney, Australia from one of my recent trips (Why I have been pretty silent lately) Can you find the Opera House? [attachment=3]IMAG0929[1].jpg[/attachment] and just cause [attachment=2]IMAG0920[1].jpg[/attachment] edit forgot to add the stl files if any one cared Attached files .jpg] Bone.stl (144.7 KB)Â .jpg] .jpg] Paw_fixed.stl (38.9 KB)Â
AWESOME Nick! They look super cool I cannot find the opera house anywhere :questions: Thanks for posting Mark and Trish
Man I would LOVE to go to Australia.... Did you climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge.... That's on my "list" So where else did ya go? BTW, I found the Opera House ;-)....I think
Nice treats, I'm sure the dogs love them. Nice photos of Sydney as well. I had to find the Opera House, for no real reason at all. I spent some time in Brisbane for work. I wish I had the chance to to see Sydney. Attached files
This looks simply amazing. I wish I would be in Australia and visit Sydney for such a amazing place. The Opera house can not be seen from this picture. I think this picture is either taken from very high or a satellite image.