Hey Guyz in this PhlatLab episode we cover the up coming V-Slot KickStarter (Please spead the word!) Please help us bring this new generation of T-Slot to the world! Its going to be a game changer for machine makers! We also go through the process of making a 3D model from a flat part set of plans (The Sowly) as a tutorial. We you make a 3D model its a big help to anyone that is working on that plane. It makes putting the plane together a lot easier. Thanks for hanging out in the PhlatLAB with us! PhlatLAB Check out the Sowly post here and grab your set of plans to get started (Thanks Dan!) http://www.phlatforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=9302#p42776 Attached files
Mark and Trish, I loved the tutorial very informative and I learned quite a bit. This is a way of learning for me that works and I hope there are more in the future. Thanks, Nitro
Thanks guyz, means a lot to hear that! If its helping, then we must be on the right track. Mark and Trish
Mark, Maybe you can do a tutorial showing the assembly of a machine with v-slot and open rail?? I think it might jump start a few builds and get people like me going who don't know how to get started.. Just a thought... Nitro
Nitro, that's a good idea and I agree it would be helpful and a fun. I have a few ideas I would like to work up The main thing for us to get though at the moment is getting OpenBuilds up and running so we all have a good place to post our machine builds. I will look at posting a few machine examples so we can all get rolling on designs. Not sure yet how soon but Its on the list Thanks you Nitro Mark and Trish
Mark, Thanks, I know you are super busy and I just wanted to see what you thought about the idea. The two machines up in the openbuilds now are totally awesome and I want to get there some day. You guys that can draw that stuff up and make a working machine from an idea and a stack of parts have my total respect. That is so cool to me to watch you guys create these things. Paralysis by analysis is my problem and getting some guidance and a push in the right direction helps a ton. Looking forward to the future for sure. Great Job... Nitro
So true! those guyz rocked it as soon as OpenRail come out and we have been blown away watching the progress they are making. Its just a matter of days (I think) before they are up and running these bad boyz! For us right now its the Kickstarter that is taking most of the time. Its a lot of work to one of these set up on top of all that has to go into the design, manufacture set up for the part it self. But we are getting there. Right now there is a delay because one of our reward levels was worded wrong and so the KS team has to double check it. Once they approve it we are good to go! Mark and Trish