Hey guyz. Last week, instead of the PhlatLab Show, we told you that we were working on something special. Well, here it is: OpenBuilds VSLOT. [pre][/pre] OpenBuilds V-SLOT is a self contained Internal Linear V Track as well as a functioning Aluminum T-Slot Building System all in one. The Internal V Track allows for multiple Dual V Carriage Mounting Configurations while the same structure allows for the well known T-Slot type modular building systems. We are all going to be able to design and build the coolest machines for our RC Hobby! At the moment, OpenBuilds V-SLOT will be available in 4 of the most Popular Profile Sizes: 20 x 20mm, 20 x 40mm, 20 x 60mm, and 20x80mm. OpenBuilds V SLOT was, of course, designed to be used in conjunction with OpenRail just like you would use other T-Slot Aluminum Extrusions. OpenBuilds V-Slot has gone through the Prototype Stage and is gearing up to move forward with manufacturing. Check back soon for details on our upcoming KickStarter Campaign which will include a very limited supply of Early Shipping – Early Bird Specials!! This is new and exciting news. We couldn't wait to tell you guyz. Check out the news article located in the OpenBuilds Part Store: http://www.openbuilds.com/OpenBuilds_St ... uilds-news This is where you will be able to find the latest greatest OpenBuilds news now and in the future. Check it out often. Coming Soon to a Build Near You!! Please tell your friends. Thank you, Mark and Trish Attached files
LOL WOW! where did you dig that one up Shaun! Its hard to believe how far we have all come as a group. We have a lot of great ideas set up for the future and can't wait until they are in full swing! Its going to be be so much fun to have all these awesome new tools to create with. It has been a long time in the making, but will be well worth it Thanks Bro Mark and Trish
Thanks Shaun that's really kind of you to say. We haven't arrived there yet so next stay tuned for whats next! Mark and Trish
Hey Guys, I am totally happy for you guys congratulations. I am so looking forward to the future with so many cool machines and ideas that this will bring. You guys put a lot into all this and I am sure it will be a big success. Nitro
You can use OpenRail with V-Slot just like you would use OpenRail with T-Slot. OpenRail has its advantages for certain machine designs (ex. hard coat - metal wheels) while V-Slot has its own as well being that its integrated into the building block. They work together great!
The V-Slot KickStarter has been approved and is now LIVE!!! We have a limited amount of a pre-production V-Slot run for the Guyz that want to get it in their hands now! Any and all help is greatly appreciated. please spread the word and let others know we are trying to bring this to the community. Thanks Guyz Mark and Trish [pre]<iframe frameborder="0" height="380" src="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/openrail/openbuilds-v-slot/widget/card.html" width="220"></iframe>[/pre]
Thanks Yoram Where we are now, we could not have done without all of your support. We have here the best friends that we could have every hoped for! Thank you Mark and Trish
Mark and Trish, Congrats to you both, I know this will be a huge success and all of your dedication and hard work will be rewarded. All of us are going to be able to share you success with awesome machines and cool projects to share. Nitro
Thank you Nitro You hit the nail on the head. This is what its going to be all about and its going to be AWESOME! Mark and Trish
Mark, I saw on KickStarter that the length you have is 1500mm. If on wants to make a longer machine, or what ever, is there a way to connect two rails together so that they will be near 100% true? Like an insert or something that goes into the center of the extrusion or into the slot?
Its Official, just got my Kickstarter package ordered and I feel good... This summer will be awesome Because when it is 110 degrees outside I can be working on my next project.. Thanks Guys. Nitro
@ Yoram, There is a way using plates, but better yet there are double T-Nuts. We do not have them in stock yet but I ordered some the other day to test out and it seems like they will work good. they nice thing about them is they are out of the way and sit down inside the slot. The screws that come with them are no good as they stand out to tall but if you used a set screw it should be perfect. I will have to get some 5mm size, see how they work out and let you know. @ Nitro Awesome Bro! thank you for your support! We have so many ideas and can't wait until we can get them out here, Its really exciting times here at Phlatboyz HQ! Thank you guyz Mark and Trish
WOW !!!! Your almost there. only $697 to go. Looks like V-Slot is going to happen. Keep up the good work M&T. Cheers. GHB
V-Slot made it!!! The goal has been reached and we are blown away by the overwhelming support! Now we can start releasing ideas we have for stretch goals starting with a family of gantry and motor mount plates You guyz ROCK!!! Thank you all so much Mark and Trish
Thanks Buk Your right about that we can't believe it and we are really happy about it! Mark and Trish
AWESOME BABY!!!!! That is what I am talking about.. Congrats guys, This is what happens when you do things the right way and treat people like you want to be treated. Very happy for you and for us. Nitro