Hey guys, Here is my "PhlatBot" build, I went and painted some parts. I bought a can of paint from "LOWES", "Rust-Oleum" Universal Advanced Formula / All-Surface Paint . Its there "Gloss Crimson Red". I wish it came out a bit better, I did smooth out and burs & cleaned all parts with "deluded vinegar" per the stores sales person . I still need to do the belt, front foot / leg, wiring , extruder and awaiting for my hot bed etc. But , I now have a rad bot frame .. More to come .. Great design Mark & Trish BLINDFLIGHT Attached files 851 (Medium).jpg" class="gc-images" title="DSC_0851 (Medium).jpg" style="max-width:300px" />
Nice looking! I like the red. I wish I would have went ahead and painted mine but I thought I wouldn't care. I was wrong lol.
Have been waiting for a replacement board and finished the build !! Here are some pics of the table / cart I use for both the PhlatBOT & PhlatFormer.. Attached files
WOW That is SWEET Al! really exceptional job on your build my friend Looking forward to your first successful print Have fun Mark and Trish
Looks awesome. Do you have a bill of materials and/or sources for motors, boards, extruder, etc. Would be a great help.
mb3987, I had bought this from the PhlatBoyz when first sold. There was a limited run, and will have to buy the electronics. I will get you the info.. Thanks