hello Everyone!! I'm prototyping my machine, and I need the 3d model of the wheel (better with the assembly with the spacer) I need IGS, STEP or SAT....any chance?? Now I just have the sketchup file, I cannot open it in my Design software! Thanks a lot in davance!
Hello amph, Here here are wheel models in SketchUp and STL format. These are the latest version VSLOT has been added to the OpenRail file you can find it on the right hand side of the SketchUp. It has the universal plates for OpenRail as well as the Dual V Wheels. Also added the SketchUp for VSLOT and OpenRail examples with exploded wheels Please read this to find out more about setup-import/export in SketchUp http://www.openbuildspartstore.com/sket ... tructions/ I am using SketchUp exclusively now to try and make the models available to everyone, so maybe one of the guyz here with higher-end software can convert these for you. Hope this helps Mark and Trish Attached files OPENRAIL_20_V9_Vslot.zip (3.9 MB)Â OpenBuild DualVWheel_Example.STL (513.3 KB)Â OpenBuild DualVWheel_Example.zip (4 MB)Â