hello, now i have not tried this with the latest version but, i have a 12"x 24" usable cutting area on my small machine (i might fix this problem at a later date but for now it is what i have") but i can have longer stock since both sides of the machine are open is there an easy way to break a set of g-code into two parts so that i can cut half of the part then move the stock and cut the second part? i kinda managed to do this once by physically breaking the part in two create tool paths then using the eraser tool delete the line of the tool path that would cut the part in half and then re-close the face. this worked 50% of the time, some times it just refused to generate the code. thanks for your help
Can you not split the drawing so to speak? That is take the object and draw the line where it is to be split (maybe even making it interlock) Copy the drawing into a new one or somewhere else on the screen Erase part B on drawing A Erase part A on drawing B Generate G-code for part A Generate G-code for Part B
i ran into this problem on a profile i built that i had to cut the leading edge of the ailerons and i did not want a seam in the middle of the part. in most cases yes i can split the part and interlock the pieces but some times that is not the best case. should i post a drawing of what i was trying to do?
Posting the drawing will not change the fact that rcv8r's advise is the only way to do it. You cut the g-code in half. If the part you are cutting is a square or a rectangle you MAY edit the g-code to do it. On anything else you can not.
You can also "slice" the object to be able to cut it is a size that works in your machine. That's how I built my 14 foot long electric car with a PhlatPrinter III.