I downloaded Sketchup 2014 and sketchucam 1.1C. When I start sketchup I get Error Loading File attributes.rb Error: #<SyntaxError: C:/Users/ldavis/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/attributes.rb:53: formal argument cannot be a global variable $dicts.each {|$f| $dict_names.push($f.name)}... ^> Then I noticed that 1.1D was out. I cannot figure out how to get rid of 1.1C. I found instructions but they say to delete folders that dont exist. I tried uninstalling sketchup and deleting all teh folders, but when I reinstall sketchup then sketchucam is already there. So 1) how do I get rid of C and install D. 2) will this fix the above error, if not then what do I do? Thanks
When you install 1.1d as an extension (from the extensions tab) it should overwrite 1.1c and fix your problems.