Hey guys, I would like to expand the bits I can use for my phlatprinter. I see some guys using a bit for cutting wood and another bit for cutting smaller foam. Could anyone tell me what these bits are and where to get them? I can't make some of the plans because I have the stock bit only. Thanks!
In this post there are some places listed...scroll down a little. http://phlatforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=139 Also most of the foam planes on here are using the 1/8 inch bit. If the file is calling for a different size bit, you could just take the Sketchup file and redo the cut lines for your bit, and regenerate the Gcode. Shaun
bohh, for any type of material you cut on the phlatprinter, i would recomend a ball nose cutter. as of now i am using the roto zip bit with a modded ball end.....ya cant hardly hear the z-axis plunges....so get some ball nose, and experement with 2 flute, 3 flute, 4 flute...ya also can get different coatings. im gonna have the fella make me up a ball nose single flute, and get it diamond coated. we use on plastics at work....ya can run the dremel at top speed, and run up your feed rates...fast cutting equals more glue time, lols. randy.
Thanks for the replies. I'm really looking for something to cut lite ply. I don't understand all these terms chipbreaker, fishtail. What would I want to cut ply hardware and what not? Thanks
Some terms describe the tip and others the sides. For tip, ball nose and fish tail. Just get a fish and stick the tail in the air. For the sides you got the diamond patterned one, like the rotozip tile cutter that came with the PP. Other type will have spiral flutes. The chipbreaker is this type, except they cut teeth in the flutes. rjarois, got a question for you. What the difference between a ball nose and the rotozip bit? It looks to me round with multiple spiral starts. -Kwok
Bohh, That is on the things to do list. To compile a list of bits materials and feed rates for easy choosing of which bit to use where. Mark
Bohh, We haven't actually considered selling bit kits but it's a good idea. Right now, all of our efforts are going into the last few tweaks of the MKII and getting ready for the Toledo Show. Once have have some time, we will have to think about this though. It would make it easier for all of the Phlatboyz to have a bit Kit and a description of what each bit's qualities are. We are always experimenting with different bits and materials, this shouldn't bee too hard for us to put together and hopefully, we'll be able to save everyone some shipping costs by combining everyone's orders into one. We can charge a lot less than what most of the other companies are charging for small order shipping prices. Bohh, try to make your way over to the Phlat-Booth while you are at the show. We are booth K 331. It would be great to get a chance to meet you face to face.
Hey guys, Sure thing. Will be nice to say Hi and see the new model. Still really appreciate all you guys did for me with my motor trouble. Above and beyond! Great service!
Some thing to think about concidering Mark. I will be onboard for one myself. I would rather pay a small premuim for your kit than have to figure out which one is best by trail and error and possiblly damage something.