I was looking for a park 400 style racer and put out a request for some designer out there to come up with something for me. AnyAirRC answered the challenge with this awesome aircraft that has some hints of the Lancair. Only a few file adjustments were made. This plane holds some real potential to be a screamer with the right power system. I am planning to use the Grayson Hobby 2212-06 V2 system with mine! Designed for use with 1/4" FFF. Attached files Any LanceAIR.zip (476.8 KB)Â
Hey guys, Thanks for the file. I've printed out the plane and assembled it. The last two days I've been having issues getting it to fly though. It weighs 7.5oz less the battery. I've installed a 1300kv bluewonder motor and 8x4 GWS prop. Should fly. It seems to fly stable and straight under power - will not glide without. However, it will not gain altitude at all. Full up elevator results in no climb. It's going up all the way and touching the fuse, but no use. I've added weight to the tail as well as played with CGs from 1/4 of the wing to 1/3 of the wing back from the LE at the root. Kind of at a loss at this point. Any suggestions? Crash, did you get it to fly?
What size pack? I use that motor on a Blu-baby and it won't do the job on 2s w/an 8-4. But does great on 3s w/ 7-3.
I'm using a 3 cell 480mah. When I was having trouble I then put a 3cell 1320mah in it. No luck. Think a smaller prop will help? I'm not sure why it wouldn't go up.
Are you running the control rod for the elevator under the stabilizer, so the servo needs to PUSH the elevator up? If so, I'd largely suspect that the control rod is too soft, or the servo is not firmly mounted, or the control horn on the elevator is loose. Try commanding "up" elevator with the motor dead and see if you can easily push the elevator back to the level position. If the answer is no, then I think your servo croaked - check it for stripped gears.
I am so sorry - I have been away and not checking the forum. My LanceAIR is still out on my rack of "things to do". I'm a little "A.D.D." when it comes to this hobby and sometimes I switch gears before seeing a project through to completion. This is one of many that I've built, but then set it aside to work on something new that caught my fancy. My progress on this plane was that it was built and test glides were done. The plane glides nicely but is not a high-alpha floater - totally expected. I originally wanted to put the Grayson Hobby park jet combo on it for it to be a speed demon. However, after some second thought, I decided that motor would be just too heavy. I decided to take the custom wound (by Timocharis) Blue Wonder that I have currently on my X-20 and give it a try. It's a really hot wind and is a monster with a 7x6 prop. Anyway, I just never got around to taking that motor off my beloved X-20 and trying it out on the LanceAIR. Dorsal's suggestion seems to be something worth looking at. In fact, most of the planes I do these days are configured so that the most important "up elevator" is achieved by the servo pulling the surface up, rather than pushing it up. I also like to brace my pushrods with small zip-ties to keep them from flexing away when the linkage is in "push mode".
Hey guys, Thanks for the help. I have checked the strength of the servo. It is pushing up, but I can't do anything to make it go down while engaged. I don't think that's it. It feels more like a balance thing to me. Where did you find it test glides best? That's something I should have done before putting all the electronics in it Did you find 1/4-1/3 of the wing root? My next step is to add even more tail weight I guess. Or try a smaller prop. AUW is about 9 oz I'm guessing. I know the airframe less battery is 7.5 and I'm using a few different batts to test. The blue wonder I have is supposed to put out 15 oz of thrust. While holding it in my hand it feels like it should take off... I'm running an 8x4 GWS prop on it. Would going to a smaller prop help you think? Get more speed, and more wind over those surfaces?
I was getting my best glides with the CG about 25% back. When I get back from the toledo show, I'll get mine stuffed up and give it a go. I'll let you know what I find out with it. The power system I was planning to use would put out enormous thrust with a 6x4 APC prop. It's a 2200kv and on 3S at 23 amps, it should supply about 24 oz thrust. Again though, it may be jut too heavy for this little airplane, so I'll take my hot-wind BW from the X-20 and see what I get...