My neighbor is an engineer for a big company, so he has access to all kinds of cool software. He's been showing me how to use some of them. I don't have $2,000, so unless he lets me come over every night I'll be back to Sketchup. I'm really attached to Solidworks now too. I even took a training course recently. If I only had money
What doI need to change to be able to cut out the original MKIII thread sketchup download using a 1/8 stock bit instead of the 1/16? Do I need to do more than just change the parameters file? It's a learning curve...
You will need to use a 1/8th bit or rework the file using a 1/16th bit. At this time SketchUcam cannot change the cut lines when the bit size is changed in the parameters. maybe someday we will be able to do this. Also if the file has been worked up for the Phlatprinter MK1 or 2 (they both cut from the bottom up) You will need to re-run the gcode file with the Overhead gantry option checked in the SketchUcam parameters menu so that it cuts in the proper direction. Most of the files here on the Phlatforum should be set up for the MK3 by now or at least have both options. Once in a while you will run across an older file that was set up for the MK1 or MK2 and you will need to do the Overhead gantry option and re-save the gcode. Hope this helps Mark and Trish
Paule, I think the course he took was for Aspire or Cad in general Here is more information about Aspire. Great software if you have the money ... index.html Mark and Trish
Just to let you know, we will be cutting out 400 of these between now and November 21 to give away at a local "maker fair" where we will also be demo'ing the phlatprinter - trying to get the younger generation excited about making stuff. Wish we had a phlatformer to show them as well!
it's a small event here in Dhahran Saudi Arabia! After the first 30 planes I had to tighten up the stepper motor on the's hard to get that one to keep the right tension.