This plane looks very very neat. I'd attempt to make the files, but it has sooo many bevels on it; which never turn out well for me when I make the file. My spacing must be off. Anyway, if anyone wants to take a shot at it I'd greatly appreciate it. In the mean time, I'm looking to make some simpler park jets from freely available plans. I'll keep you all updated.
Bohh, Did you should check out Jnida63's f-22 Raptor it was a easy build and flys great there is some video there also. Cheers E--T
I did see his F-22 I plan on making some as soon as my upgrade kit gets here and is installed. TV- Thanks! I look forward to it if you do. Your work is always very neat and well done. -Mike
Here's an F117 in the scratch-built section that needs to be finished your welcome to it. It has most of the hard parts done just needs the tail fins. I never got the chance to finish her. viewtopic.php?f=59&t=272#p1943
Hey TV - Per our conversation today I have contacted the original owner to see if a DXF is available or failing that at least a non-tiled version.
Full PDF - ... tid=796765 Cockpit template - ... tid=852035 Unfortunatly he doesn't have a DXF. We will have to take Crash up on his offer. But I'm patient. Let's wait until he is back home and rested before we bug him.
There is a 20-usage free trial version here - ... =firefox-a
I've used my linux abilities to convert this pdf to dxf, however sketchup crashes for me when I try to load it. This can certainly be done with this pdf, there is vector data in it, however I can't seem to convert it so it works for me. Please try this DXF and see if it works for you, if it does please upload the skp file. TY TV Attached files F_117A_v4.dxf (638.9 KB)Â
Yeah, I can't get it to import either, and can only view it in a program that cannot re-save it in a dxf format. :x
I'll compress and upload the new DXF file as well. It took a bit as there was a lot of garbage in the PDF. Matthew Attached files F117A.skp (299.6 KB)Â
Here is the DXF I created. I had to zip it down. Attached files]F_117A_Dcobra___ANSI_E_size___v4[1] (121.2 KB)Â