Not sure where to post/suggest this, nor how to title it, but here goes nothing. I love everything 'phlat', but I am heading more towards the CNC routing/milling for various reason. This said, I still want to keep a keep a link here AND, most important, there is often references back to here from "sister" site OpenBuilds. I understand this site had a few attacks and some data was lost in the process. Recovery seems as good as it can be given the circumstances. However, maybe due to the subject matter, the traffic seems light. It might just be me. As anyone though of ... for lack of a better expression ... bringing new life and interest by fusing Phlat with OB ? It could be a specialized sections under OpenBuild, just as there are sections there for 3D printers, CNC Router, laser, etc. Given it looks like the same software is being used at both sites, maybe it could be as 'easy' as export from one to import to the other. Same with users, not to loose any history, rating, etc. Just a thought as I go from one to the other, but not as often as one should. It certainly would make sense for SketchUcam, which could become a section of its own under the merge ...
I to would like to see the site back up to it's full potential. With the shift to the newish web hosting the momentum was lost, as were most of the old links to plans etc... It was such a great resource, and still is thanks to some tried and true members. I'd love to see it come back into full glory. I understand that it takes lots of time and effort and people need to eat.