Hello everyone i am looking for 3d puzzle that i can cut wuth a laser machine, i am lloking mostly for a motorcycle and an airplane (any kind). Anyone can help? Thanks Andrea
I just bought this one at HarborFreight a few weeks ago to convert to Phlatcode but I just haven't had the time. one day I hope to get to this soon, but right now we are focused on the Toledo show!
I am working with a Calador bank, doing work in wood and would like to know if I could give the motorcycle of this and other puzzles in 3D, I'm from Mexico and how these things are difficult in this country. If you send me the dxf files to be in order to move them to Corel. Thanks in advance and congratulations on your page. As we say here, is every mother. (email address removed by the moderators) PM Jorge if you need to contact him. Atte. Jorge A. Téllez Aguilar.
Alguien que tenga los planos de la motor bike en dxf que me los pueda pasar. gracias :::Translation added by Moderator::: Someone who has the plans of the engine bike in dxf that could send them to me. thank you
[quote = "Kram242"] Acabei de comprar um presente na HarborFreight algumas semanas atrás, para converter para Phlatcode mas eu não tive tempo. Espero um dia chegar a isso em breve, mas agora estamos concentrados no show Toledo: D! [url=http://www.kindminds.com/images/K89-17-1.jpg]http://www.kindminds.com/images/K89-17-1.jpg[/url] [/ IMG] [/ quote] ola amigo preciso de um arquivo dxf motor bike. pode me arrumaar? grande abraço celia Brasil
Português: Oi Cilia, use software de tradução para enviar perguntas e comentários em Inglês. Isto irá acelerar as respostas para você. Obrigado e não há DXF ainda criado para a moto. English: Hi Cilia, Please use translation software to submit questions and comments in English. This will hasten replies to you. Thanks and there is no DXF files yet created for the bike.
HI CILIA:LOOK THIS http://www.domaschnie-remesla.narod.ru/ ... rlei1.html and http://www.domaschnie-remesla.narod.ru/Motocikl1.html