hello Everyone, I own a MK1 phlatprinter cutting Depron only. But i want to cut more woods etc. Where can i buy a MK3 kit? I live in the Czech Republic so shipping will be costly i presume. I've checked out the store but am unable to find the kit there. Thanks in advance, Maikel Hoek
Hello Maikel, Unfortunately the Phlatprinter series are no longer available for sale at this time. Please have a look at the OpenBuilds machines. The OX would be a good candidate. http://www.openbuilds.com/ Hope this helps Mark
Hello Mark, Thanx for your quick reply. If the MK3 is no longer sold is there a posibility that i can purchace the plans. Maybe i can use most of the equipment of the MK1 to build the MK3. I would realy like a top gantry to make use of a vacuum cleaner and the sharpy mod . Looked at the OX a few months ago, But to make one able o cut 50cm by 100cmwill be very costly and at that time many parts were out of stock. Thanx for your hard work and this community. Maikel
Please have a look here at the free Phlatprinter Plans posted so far for the original Phlatprinter as well as the MK2 MK3 is not there yet MK I MK II We hope to post the MK3 some time soon to OpenBuilds as well. Thank you Mark
Hey Kram242. I lost my Phlatprinter 3 in a fire. Will you post a hardware detail for the MK3 please. I loved that machine. Thanks in Advance Jeff