I finally finished my MK III and first time turning things on, the stepper motors do not move. Through the software I can see the head moving on the monitor, but nothing at the printer. Is there something I need to do to initialize the machine? I updated the firmware on the USB CNC Controller Card and successfully activated the license. There are no errors showing in Windows for the device. The Stepper Driver Card has the 3 LED power lights lit. The motors lock up and get warm when idol, so they are getting power, but they never move at all. Curt
Tonight, I pulled every motor connection to the driver board and re-seated them in the terminal blocks. No change. I then turned up each of the pots on the board about 30 degrees clockwise. No change. I then changed the dip switch settings to all ON (1/8 step?). No change. Curt
@kram242 you will know better what this is as I do not know the USBcnc controller at all. Curt, do you have the build videos? If you do, they should walk you through the electronics setup.
I think there may have been a problem with the new updated firmware as the older cards have been discontinued on the PlanetCNC site so you may need to ask on the support forum to see if there is a special firmware needed for the older MK1 board. http://forum.planet-cnc.com/ Another solution maybe to look at a newer controller like maybe the xPRO board. http://openbuildspartstore.com/cnc-xpro-v2-controller-stepper-driver/ Hope this helps to get you up and cutting soon. Mark
Mark, I am waiting for a response to a post on their forum, in the mean time... Would that controller be a plug and play replacement for the 2 cards I have now, and what software would I use to run it? Curt
So, if I were to purchase the CNC xPRO V2 Controller, I would be up and running? Seems like a complete solution if it is plug and play with my PhlatPrinter III. I have still not seen my post on Planet approved for posting, ready to write this one off and move on. Curt
The xPRO board is in and I can smoothly jog all of the motors! I tried a dry test cut with the spindle off but I think the software is trying to make things move too fast (Stutters and growls). What software is recommended and is there something with a visualizer similar to what Planet CNC's had? Thanks, Curt
OK, I think now I have it figured out! The test cut I was attempting was with the G-Code written for the other board(s) & Planet CNC Software that was included with the build CD's. Thanks guys for your help, Curt