After many years of service my phlatprinter is down. My mechatronics board is no more, and it seems easy cnc has gone out of business, I need to replace it. So many boards to choose from Im confused. I want to continue to use Sketchup and Emc2 and spend as little as possible. Any suggestions on a controller board for my MK1 greatly appreciated. Fred
I've been looking around and not finding (or not asking the right question) an all in one parallel board like the Mechatronics. Maybe Mark has some sources. So maybe we're left with separate components: a breakout board and 3 drivers like and just wire it all together.
What about the TB6600? They are supposed to be better than the TB6500 and you can get them from $16 per axis on eBay. You will still need a breakout board.
The Gecko GS540 has been my choice from day one. It has current limiting built in, no need for adjustments of any kind and has never given a minute of trouble. It is however more expensive, but you get what you pay for. It you want a controller that will be trouble free, this one would be my first choice.
Hello all, we just purchased a very lightly used V3 for cutting our personal foam planes and it has worked well until our mechatronics board died on us. After finding this thread, we were looking at some TB6600 drivers on ebay as the Gecko simply isn't in our hobby budget. Is there anyone out there using a TB6600 or another driver that is a low cost solution? Thanks so much Aeronot
I have the usb cnc card that came with the v3. I was planning on using it as I have a license for it.