I see the plans for cutting out the parts for a Phlatprinter on OpenBuilds, but I don't know how to go about getting them actually cut. I don't have the machinery necessary to start with a 4'x8' sheet of MDF. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks! Dave
You'll have to look locally for someone with a machine that can cut at least 2'x4' who will cut it for you. BTW, I see you live in Sacramento. I have a PhlatPrinter III for sale. I'm down in Riverside County.
Thanks for the reply. I'll see about finding someone local. I also may look more closely at the plans to see if something could substitute for some of the larger pieces. Actually, I did see the machine you have for sale. I'm sure the machine is worth the asking price; I'm just not sure, at this point, whether I'm going to fully commit to this machine.