Did you catch what c/f just posted in the rcgroups thread? He uses elevons, but uses adverse yaw to turn. Curious how it flies. Wish there was a video of it? -Kwok
hello everyone i have built the first ever surfer dude in greece /everyone here is amazed including me /i also built the skycart and i absolutely positively love it /KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK >AND MERRY CRISTMAS
Here is new Phlatcode for the Flying Surfer Dude! This code is the same code we used to cut our kits with. It works very well and cuts all the parts out to fit in a long box. Have fun Mark and Trish Attached files FlyingSurferDude New Code.skp (4 MB)Â Surfer Dude3-Sheet1.cnc (147.2 KB)Â Surfer Dude3-Sheet2.cnc (62.1 KB)Â
Here are a few pics in a short clip of my new Surfer Dude... maiden flight was today, uneventful except for noticeable lack of right turn authority (motor torque?) and CG a bit behind the suggested location. Tonight I made new, enlarged elevons.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnPxR4jI9ss
Hi Art, nice looking paint job You may want to try adding rudder I see some of the guyz are having luck with it that way. Have fun Mark and Trish
Hi I have tried to down load the pdf file for Flying SURFER DUDE ,But it keeps coming up blank Just pages of blankness could you send me a link that might work better, I would appreciative Because he looks really cool andwould love to fly it Regards Wizardman (Vince Nash )
I just downloaded it from the RCgroups thread and it is good. There are 42 pages in that download. Did you look at them all? The first few are blank but that is how it came out when it was converted to pdf. Get past page 8 and you should see more stuff. Direct download link for the pdf. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showatt.php?attachmentid=2657764&d=1248445862