Hey all, we've got a bunch of Formica samples here at work that we're going to discard. Seems a shame to just throw them out. I've saved a handful for myself for who knows what, but it seems like they could be used for something. Control horns? Engine mounts maybe? There are various colors in 3 sizes: 1.5 x 2.875 2 x 3 4 x 5 I haven't counted them up, but there's probably a few hundred of these samples here. If anyone's s interested, I'd be willing to pack some up and ship them say, in bundles of 25 or so and ship them out for a couple of bucks to cover shipping. Nunny Attached files
nunny, Good find man! Those will will be great for control horns and motor mounts I wonder if you could cut these on the Phlatprinter by sandwiching a piece of foam under them or maybe using masking tape like some of the guys have done with plastic. Nice one nunny Mark
Thickness is about 1/16". With the right bit and a slow feed rate, the phlatprinter might be able to handle it. Once I get my printer completly built, I'm planning on experimenting more. Mark, PM me your address and I'll mail some out to you - consider it a payback for those cool little hard-backed sandpaper pads you gave me at the Toledo show. Those things are working awesome for the build!
nunny, Cool man thanks! Glad to hear they are working out. We are going to try and include the with the kits now. I did not make them though, they are made by Blindflight on the Phlatforum here. He came up with the idea and sent Trish and I a bunch to try out. That's cool they are working good for you, when I used them for the 2nd prototype MKII build they were great as well. Mark
Hey Nunny, my box of samples arrived today - These goodies are cool! I can see a whole bunch of motor mounts, control horns and other stuff coming out of these. I'll be set for materials for a long time,, and for only $5 ! Thanks! Hey Crash - Did you get some?
Not sure if you saw but we got ours yesterday as well! We showed them on the live feed last night Thanks Chris! this is going to be great to experiment around with for future ideas. I never realized just how light this stuff is. I wonder if it was cut in strips and turned on its side and embedded into the wing used as a spar, how it would fare in comparison to cf strips? Thanks again Mark and Trish
Bummer! Looks like I missed the live feed last night. :? Yeah, the light weight was something that caught my attention. Wing spars? This stuff definitely has a grain to it and is fairly flexible & brittle in longer lengths. But, if you were to cut it along the grain and turn it on it's side like a CF strip, that just might work. If you can get your hands on some longer stuff that would definitely be worth a try. Every now and then, you see people throwing away formica topped tables or countertops. Not sure how easily this stuff peels off, but If you got your hands on just one table or countertop and were able to peel it off intact, I'd think you'd be set for quite a while.
Did a lot of formica work in the Navy. A heat gun and wide putty knife will peel it up pretty well. The heat might ruin it though, but it's worth a try. If you try it watch your knuckles, when this stuff breaks it is sharp. Jeff