Check out all the free DXF's Switcher is sharing with everyone.. He has redesigned his entire blogspot, so nice and clean. Great work Switcher and thank you for sharing. MnT Screenshot Attached files
Mark & Trish Thanks, for the post. My blog now has over 279 free cnc dxf files, I make all the dxf files & try my best to update the blog daily. Everyone is more than welcome to stop by & have a look, I try & keep a mix of subjects, should be something for everyone. Thanks,
I made you a phlatboyz sign. The DXF file is attached (below). Attached files (17.6 KB)Â
Nice sign Switcher. Here is the Sketchup file for it as well. Attached files Switchers Phlatboyz sign.skp (80.6 KB)Â
Thanks Switcher that looks sweet! Nice job man Thanks 3DMON for the Sketchup file as well saves me some time You guys rock! Mark