Hey all, RcGroups has a nice thread for the Polaris plane. The maker is kind enough to share the plans in this post: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... ostcount=3 I went ahead and transfered those plans into sketchup - but now I'm having issues. I haven't done anything with my machine in a long time and maybe that's the problem with this. But I'm having a hard time getting this cut out ! What's happening is when I send it through the printer the tabs are no wider than the bit and so therefor no tab is cut and the parts fall in and jam and I'm getting very frustrated. I tried various times, widening the "tab width" in parameters all the way up to a half inch --- and it does the same thing. It's like it has no effect. I got so frustrated. I have removed the phlat script stuff from these sheets and uploaded them. I would really appreciate it if someone would take a look and tell me what's going wrong. Thanks! Attached files Polaris Sheet 1.skp (945 KB)Â Polaris Sheet 2.skp (131.8 KB)Â
The existing tabs will not change when you change them in the parameters menu. You have to change the parameters menu first, then when you apply tabs, you will get the wider width (or whatever you changed it to).
That's what I was thinking after my first attempt at just changing the parameters. I then changed the parameter and added new tabs at .5" in width and on the machine the bit would exit the foam and then enter the foam in the same spot! Do I have to remove ALL phlat code and re-do it when changing the parameters?
I would remove the old tabs and apply new ones. However if you add a new tab, it certainly should reflect your new setting. If not, you may have other issues.
Bohh, I don't want to spoil your effort, but I have made the Polaris for the phlatprinter as well, and I was planning on starting a thread here on phlatforum. But when I asked Steve (Jetset44 on RCGroups who is the designer) he didn't want me to publish any phlatprinter plans for the Polaris since he is selling the plane and a freely available plan for the phlatprinter could potentially damage business. Steve is a great guy and has made several great plane designs. He had no problem with me making plans for the Polaris to cut on my phlatprinter for me and some friends, but he insisted on that I wouldn't share the plans online.
I don't wanna sound like an *** but I consider any plans published on a public forum to be fair game. I mean that is like throwing a steak to a starving dog and telling it not to eat. What if GP published all their planes plans here on the Phlatforum and said there you go guys but you you can't use them because we are gonna sell them..?? Same thing. The designer should not publish plans to the public if they plan on using them for commercial use. Bottom line. BTW Bohh, try putting (2) tabs side by side and see what happens.
I can certainly see the difference between posting free plans which require significant skill and effort to convert to a functioning model, and the posting of machine code that quickly and easily results in all the kit parts ready to assemble. It seems to me that the designer owns the intellectual property here, and we should all respect that they get to decide what gets done with their design. If we don't, designers are apt to stop sharing. I do think that there might be an opportunity for this designer to license a Phlatcode "kit" version of their designs.
If the plans are out there to the public to download, print and then cut then that is what we are doing. We are just using a different method of cutting. Converting a "FREE" pdf plan into SU and then Platcode and then post it here is no different than downloading a jpg from google and repsting it here. If it was posted in public, for the public then the publisher has to know that the public will do what they please. That's just how it is. I o agree about respecting the wishes or the designer and I would never post another designer's design without their permission but when it's already out there in the public most people take for granted that it is all good to do what you want with it. Anywho, sorry Bohh for hi-jacking your thread, I'll let it rest. I'm through talkin' now.
I agree with 7up, if posted in a public forum they become fair game, i dont see how making the gcode available to others violates the creative commons-