Although I haven't built a Surfer Dude yet I can't comment on the need for a rudder but I have an idea for one if needed. Not really a mod, consider it an accessory like a new hat. I drew up a Wind-Surfer Dude and figured I'd use part of the sail as the rudder. I'll post the file later when I get the mounting tabs worked out. Attached files
You'll need to put the servos, motor, esc and battery all under the surfboard to help get the cg below the board, but it oought to work. "It will be, like, totally radical and gnarly in the air, dude!"
Hey flashsolutions, Are you flying rudder elevator only, or are you using elevon elevator with rudder input? Tim
Hi Mark, I just ordered version 2. I went ahead and ordered two of them, maybe the extra thickness will help keep the post office from folding it in half this time. Thanks for a great design. Tim
Tim you ROCK!!! Thanks again for your support. I think that they will be fine now I am going back to boxes this time I may have to add a stick of moulding or something just to ensure that they can't bend it! Thanks again Tim looking forward to your flight videos Mark
I think, if you shipped a sheet of concrete, my mail carriers would figure a way to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate it. Those guys are good! :x
You know it Dorsal! Its like they have a bunch of origami starved little polish monkey demon men locked in cages. When a package comes in that politely states 'Please do not fold' they simply throw it in the cages for a few min and what comes out is a freakish nightmare version of origami art inspired by pure evil!!! Hey that would make a great movie lol Mark BTW 7up that sail surfer looks like he may work! Are you going to build him?
man oh man mark....i got a great friend thats need to edit that man...hey pick on us polish monkeys or something, . peace, randy.
You got it Randy no harm intended, just joking around with the way the packages arrive at the door sometimes
lols a surfer dude kinda like a Pollock on a electric bicycle??. man we dont need mail carriers to mess that up. lols....randy.
Any suggestion on a radio set up for this, my surfer dude just arrived and almost done with painting it. I'm new to the hobby and this will be a great way to get started. Thanks!!! Mick
Welcome to the site, mick40. If you are really new to this hobby, find someone to help you get this thing in the air, including radio choice and setup, or you'll be disappointed and will leave this great hobby with bad memories. This is not a beginners plane.
I joined an RC club which will no doubt help me a long. Just was curious what motors/Radio,servos people recommend. I know there are 100's of choices and budget is an issue however, I would like a radio that I can grow into. Thanks, Mick
Hi Mick, Welcome to the Phlatforum! This is what Mark recommends in the first post. Motor-Blue Wonder Battery-3s 900 mAh Prop-9x47 Servos-hs50 As far as a transmitter. Make sure it has elevon mixing capabilities.
I thought it would be pretty cool if the dude could actually surf as well as fly. I'm hoping the answer is yes, and I hope to find out in the next couple of days. Now if I can figure out how to upload an image to this post so I can show what I've made??
Yep it's gonna float! The two main changes to make the dude water capable is the raised prop for clearance and the flotation in the front. I created this post in "advanced mode" Still unable to figure out how to post photos??
Lead, scroll down till you see the "upload attachments" tab, click there and you can upload pictures. Of course, this is under advanced reply... Tim AG4RZ
Dohhh! How did I miss that "upload attachment " button before! Gotta wipe the bacon grease off my glasses. Anyway, here are some photos of the wet build dude. Attached files