My first try at a bandit- I have no clue as to where to mount the edf, Im thinkin its gonna need to go aft as far as posible in order to get cg, I need to build one and do some glide testing I guess. I followed the 3view i had very closley, sure seems the wing is to far back on the fuse? Any ideas on where to mount the edf? or any other constructive crtitisism welcome- Attached files
Any way you can resend this in .ZIP format rather than .RAR? My WinZip is having fits trying to decompress it....
I would put the EDF right behind the wing. It would help with the CG and thrust would be improved because of the extra tail pipe.
Has anyone had any luck trying to make a cuttable file out of this? I love it but i am having one heck of a time getting it set up for 6mm sheets
I gave up on this btw, I did not know that Steve Shumate already had done this plane, and his work is way better than anything I could do, so I m going to convert his to phlatcode instead.