A quick tutorial on how to use Bubble cast in a post [bubblecast 288218][/bubblecast] There is a quick log in window that you fill out and that will give you access to your videos on http://bubble-cast.com/ Attached files
Mark, a close look showed it was a message from Adobe Player, so I just upgraded to the latest Adobe Player and the error screen is still there - click "OK" and it goes away. Maybe it's because I don't allow Adobe to take over all the default operations and programs it wants. It's no biggie, just a little bother.
Bubblecast is not longer on the Phlatform. Thank you to thoses who helped to give it a go We will continure to keep our eyes open for mods that will help the Phlatforum become the best resorce that it can be. Thank you Mark and Trish
Well, even thought the Bubble Cast thing didn't work out, Mark had a good idea of using videos to teach. I want to bring people's attention to what may be going on at the rcgroups cad/cam forum as an example, regarding video tutorial. I posted my phlatscript video tutorial there and that caught the attention of "mcg". He's the guy that did the process to get the new forum. Maybe he's the mod now, but I don't know. Anyways, he thought it really bought cad alive and the best way to teach. So he started a thread about the various screen recording software. Then a guy by the handle "Karl B^2" got interested and made a tutorial on making a wing in sketchup. I watched it and dang if I didn't learn something, even thought it was a simple task. And they learned a few things, from my feedback. And I just made a video in response to the "unwanted lines" problem. Even linked it, as a video response, throught youtube, but it hasn't showned up yet (something about approval). Karl is supposed to be making another video, since someone asked about making the ribs. If interested, then check out this thread. Would be great, if we did stuff like that too, interactive learning. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1178701 -Kwok
I have been searching for an easy to use solution for our forum as well. We tried out one called bubblecast that was integrated right into the forum. It allowed you to capture you screen by calling on a capture program. It was very nice and easy to use and you could do a screen capture on the fly while posting. (Window would pop up) The problem (that seems to be with all these type) is that you have to upload to their server and that mean no control how your data is handled. So we dropped that one. What have been using YouTube and veimo but its really a paint to stop and have to go through the process of uploading the video and give all the tag info every time etc.. Jing(sp) sounds good but once again their server, but I think I heard that it can some how be uploaded to your own, I have to check into that one. I have used Fast Stone (good price and works great for screen captures, not so well with video) That being said he is always working on new versions so maybe that has been fixed http://www.faststone.org/FSCaptureDetail.htm Camtasia (Powerful and nice interface, but pricey) This one is nice because it has a bit of intelligence with the way it will zoom in automatically usually when you want it too. I believe this is the same company that makes the Jing Here is a post that I found that may be useful Screenflow ($99) is my favorite, if you?re willing to spend that much. iShowU HD ($30) and iShowU HD Pro ($60) which are supposed to be very good, although I've not tried them... yet. Screenium ($29) Screenflick ($25) Jing (Free) has a great basic video/voice recording app with limitations, or you can get their Jing Pro version for a little more ($15/year) with hosting. Ambrosia's Snapz Pro X ($69) as Hank pointed out. ScreenRecord ($16) ScreenMimic ($69) looks pretty nice. Séquence ($27) I've done some research on many of these because in the next few months I will need to record a few dozen tutorials on a web application we've been building. Screenflow so far has been my choice do to a few nice post-editing features they have that would not otherwise be possible in iMovie. For right now, I use Jing's movie capture (free), which does a good/basic job, but there is no post-editing capabilities. I like Jing because it exports in FLV play-able instantly, and easily uploadable like Skitch is. I would otherwise pick an application that recorded video and audio well with no limitations and that I could edit in iMovie, then export in FLV. You'd then need to use a Flash Video Player on your site to play it through, or upload the video to a site like YouTube. Hope this helps Mark
Ok I have tried Jing and it seems very laggy even with the screen resolution turned way down. Maybesomeone else can try it as well and let me know. It may just be my computer being bogged down. But Jing does not seem to like sketchup. Check out this video Attached files 2010-01-21_1025.swf (2.7 MB)Â
I just read that there is a bug in phpbb3 that will not allow the swf files to embed anymore But you can still download the link and play it on your system Mark
I've been scared to try Jing, because I think it needs .net 3.0 Mark, you got enough bandwidth to start hosting movies? I don't think the wmv embed anymore, either? I'm liking FSCapture, at the moment. It outputs directly to wmv and files are small. -Kwok
We have unlimited bandwidth here so it would be perfect if I could figure out how we could do it Mark