Phlatboyz wants to build machines that are created by the very people that use them Here we can vote on and help to create the next Phlatboyz Machine together. It will be a community build! We really want to make this fun so please keep in mind that we cannot accept all ideas due to many factors but we will do our best to create what you guys as well as ourselves are looking for. The ultimate idea is to make this a fun way to gather general ideas of what you guys would like to see in the next machine and which machine you would like to see next from the Phlatboyz. Please understand that Phlatboyz LLC has to be responsible for the final product and will change the machine variations as seen fit. Note that by posting here you are releasing any concept or idea to the Phlatboyz,LLC to use as they see fit and are releasing any rights that you may have to that concept or idea as well. Keep your idea very general and please do not post entire machines that you may have created in Sketchup here. We have many designs already in the works and will be posting concepts for us all to work on. The idea is to help with various ways to overcome challenges presented in our machine designs and do so at an affordable price. Holding true to this Phlatboyz tradition so that every one can enjoy and benefit from this awesome hobby! Lets keep it fun and help to create the next best PhlatMACHINE! Only PhlatCLUB members (existing Phlatboyz machine owners) can see this area so you know you are among friends here P.S. We added a few machine ideas to get things going on the poll but if you guys have others you would like to see added please let us know and we will add them to the poll. Once a machine is created and is available it will be removed from the poll and we will move on. We are starting with the poll and as we see one machine being voted on more then others we will start to focus on that machines build. Shortly after we see an overwhelming response to one machine, in particular, we will post concept drawings and we'll all take it from there. We hope this helps to bring the PhlatFAMILY here even closer together as we start to see machines we all helped to create come to life! Thanks, Mark and Trish
My biggest wish would be that the phlatmachine would take 4'x8'x2" slabs of styrofoam, straight from home depot/lowes/your neighborhood construction store!
That would be a cool machine for sure, right now we should be able to do sections but you never know what the future holds
How about a dedicated rotary machine much like what would normally be a 4th axis rotary on a cnc machine. Not sure there would be a big demand for it tho. I'm getting close to finishing my 8020 Phlatprinter and debating on making a 4th rotary axis that would be driven off the main roller via belt. Have a few ideas that may work. Also thought of making a dedicated rotary machine which shared the pc and controller of the Phlatprinter. Like the idea of a 4 axis cnc hot wire cutting machine.
lovebugjunkie, you just reminded me Forgot about a lathe. That has just been added to the poll You can change your votes at anytime as well. Thanks Mark and Trish p.s. it looks like every time you add something to the poll it resets! So we need to think hard if there are any more machines we would like to see and then we will add them and that will be that. Now If you guys already voted please vote again so we can get it back up and running Thanks again Mark and Trish
Just a thought but couldn't the 4 axis wire cutter be an attachment to the mkIII. Effectivey just make a mount to support another motor with a bow on it? Maybe not but just a thought.
Hey guyz. We added the Phlat Lathe to the poll and it reset all of the votes. Sorry for the inconvenience but if you don't mind, could you please cast your votes again? Thanks, Mark and Trish
I'm thinking the Phlatbed machine with vacuum hold down has greater potential to serve as a base machine for the UV inkjet mod than the Phlatprinter 3. Although it does have to come in under a $150,000.00 price tag to beat the existing market competition!
I would love to see a 3' X 4' Phlatbed regardless of material restrictions!! I would rather spend a couple extra bucks for the lumber and have a wider use of the machine! I would prefer not to be limited to less than 2' on the Y axis Thanks John
I think it would be cool to take the YZ gantry off the Phlatty3 and put it on a Phlat bed. Then people who have the Phlatty3 could have the option and newcomers could have the choice. At least this way a full sheet of Depron could still be used if it was cutting foam.
Would the Phlatbed be able to Vaccum form large sheets of plastic provided they could be heated evenly?
So many great ideas! this is fantastic! As mentioned a lot of these have been in the works in the background for quite some time and some are near completion. With all this new ideas this is going to be great to try and incorporate into the next design. Jovian I did think of using the vacuum table to double as a vacuum former, but the amount of vacuum you get is really not that much even on my industrial machine with 3 large vacuum motors. especially with all the different zones turned on. Shaun it was also considered to use the gantry system from the Phlatprinter to put on the table by adding new sides so this still may be an option. The only difference was that the way the gearing would be handled on the 2x4 and bearings. It is meant for woods and needs to be a good solid geared down rack an pinion system like a miniature version of our big machine. The design concept is really perfect and so far with the gear reduction test gantry works great. Now if it starts to lean toward a good solid 2x4 table with vacuum hold down Phlatbed we need to start to think about the rack an pinion system. I have ordered some 1/4" PVC plastic that I want to try some test cutting on and see if we can us this for the newest machine. After talking with Bob Norwood here (great guy who is very helpful) who has owned a conveyor manufacturing business for 25 years he told me out of all the plastics PVC is the solution for strength and detail of threading and cuts. I was thinking that maybe we could even make the rack out of this? I may work but it may be just as easy to purchase the rack from steel and add that to the machine. This is going to be an exciting new year for sure! Mark and Trish
I would like to see a PhlatPrinter with an X drive using something other that pressure rollers. A method that securely moves material thru without relying on friction. Maybe something that clamps the material at both ends and does a push/pull process :?: :?: I have no other prior experience with CNC, so my thoughts are limited.
You could build a system around the Phlatprinter III Gantry and have a moving table like the Shopbot Buddy
I would like to be able to auto align/scale a cut file to printed graphics on a foam sheet (I hate painting). Thanks, Doane
Mmmmm. How about a variable height gate sheet foam extruder? Do we really need cast metal chambers for steam expansion of small thickness foam from granules? Maybe, but might be interesting to look into. Cheers, Scott
I made a flatbed in sketchup here the other day which im thinking about building. And i'd like to share it. Havent really thought about vacuum for it, but i figuered it would just be a manner of building a box underneath the table and connect a vacuum cleaner or something. Its fairly big, X has just below 1250mm travel, Y has just below 800mm travel and z just below 100mm travel, its made for fitting full size depron sheets. I made it for 12mm mdf, as i figuered i could cut out stensils with my phlatprinter and then use them to cut out the parts from mdf with a bandsaw Im not really sure how sturdy it will be, and i have really never tried cutting anything else than foam with my phlatprinter. So i got no experience one way or the other. So if anyone have any idea about i can cut with it, it'd be awesome.. Sortof hoping to be able to cut some wood and such. Attached files flatbedcnc.skp (914.1 KB)Â
Nice looking design. I think if your wanting to cut heavier stuff you might want to go a different route than belts. Other than that it looks very sturdy. This is something I've been thinking of doing to my Phlatprinter to make it a Phlatbed. Basically taking the top gantry and putting it on rails like you have there. One day I just might have to do this.
I am working on putting my overhead gantry mod on a table, but i think i am going to use no.25 chain and rollers like the blacktoe machine with V bearings instead of the U bearings
Thanks 3DMON, after a quick search on ebay i found some 1605 ballscrews i could use. For the x-axis 1500mm long x2, so the machine will be a bit longer i guess.. And the y-axis 1000mm long, so pretty much the same. But the price i got was without end supports, but the total with shipping comes to 346usd. Not too bad considering they are pretty long. I also found some sets with end support and coupling, with a pricetag of just below 200usd for the 1500mm ones.. What im curious about; can i just use normal ballbearing blocks instead of the specially made end supports for the ballscrews or is that just plain wrong? .. also, do i need two steppers for the z axis.. How will the performance be if i put just one ballscrew with stepper on one side instead of both?
I'm not 100% sure on the bearing blocks but I think you will need some thrust bearings captivating the rod on the non stepper side with a radial bearing. This will keep the rod from being able to move length wise when the torque of the stepper tries to move it. As far as 2 steppers for the Z?? Did you mean X? With your design you do need 2 for X but one for Z.