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Mini Foam Stick

Discussion in 'Single Wing Aircraft Plans' started by Flashsolutions, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Flashsolutions

    Flashsolutions Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Leesburg, Florida
    Here is a one sheet design of a very popular plane I have been building for our club. The original design is a two sheet FFF version with a 40" wingspan, but for our December Holiday Meeting, I designed this Mini version and cut out 25 planes which we gave away as gifts at our meeting.

    I thought I would share it with you and maybe your club would like to have some as gifts at your next club meeting... hint hint.

    This plane uses a KF2 airfoil. Purchase a 1/8" dowel rod for the wing. Place 1" masking tape on the unskinned side of the wing, fold by bending the wing back (toward the unskinned side again) and glue the upper and lower wing halves with the 1/8" dowel separating the two halves at the center of the wing (the outer most edge of the wing panel with the writing on it). I use Aileens tacky glue for this. Goes on white, drys clear, and is flexible in flight.

    Looking at the end cap of the wing you should see a slight angle of about 4 or 5 degrees when glued properly. Do not glue any place other than the dowel rod!

    The completed plane will come in at about 8oz, so you do not need much in the way of power. The KF2 airfoil generates a great deal of lift. You may even want to add some down thrust to your motor.

    I use the Blue Wonder 24g motor with a 10 ESC and a 3 cell 800 to 900 mah LIPO and a 6x4 prop for my power pack.

    The servo cutouts are designed for 9g tower pro or the $1.99 HobbyKing 9g servos.

    Assembly is quick and easy. Apply masking tape, fold the wing in half, and glue the dowel rod. We use Locktite adhesive spray or 3M 77 spray adhesive on the fuse, rudder, and tail skid. Simply fold the fuse in half after spraying the unskinned side with spray adhesive. Then spray the outer fuse sections and carefully align them to the fuse, skin side out.

    I like Robart pin hinges for my control surfaces, but you can sand a 45 degree bevel and tape the control surfaces with Scotch Transparent Tape for a less expensive method.

    Skip the landing gear. Use prop saver rubber o rings and keep the weight down. Hand launch and belly land.

    Attached Files:

  2. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Cool looking plane Flash, seems like it will go together pretty quick too. Thanks for sharing this.
    Mark and Trish
    Rowedent likes this.
  3. Rowedent

    Rowedent Member

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    I cant access the cnc or skp files for Flash's foam stick ... is this just me or a common problem?
  4. gravityisnotmyfriend

    gravityisnotmyfriend Member

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    I can't access it either. There was a recent forum software switch, and a lot of the links are dead. You may want to PM the OP and see if he can upload the files again.
  5. Rowedent

    Rowedent Member

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    What do you say Flash? have you still got the sketchup file?
  6. Flashsolutions

    Flashsolutions Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Leesburg, Florida
    I have replaced the missing files... see post #1 Enjoy!

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