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No Blue Face With SU7??

Discussion in 'Sketchup Help' started by Crash, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Crash

    Crash Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Waco, Texas, USA
    If you were following my thread on the Tensor 28, then you no doubt know the trouble that I was having with SU7 not properly giving me the proper default Blue Face when a shape was drawn and closed. The only way I was able to get a face that was reversible was to paint the parts with a different color.

    I think I finally know what was going on!

    Just recently I picked up a virus along with one of my plug-ins I use with World Of Warcraft. That nasty bug forced me to re-image my machine. I told myself I wasn't gonna fool around with SU7 any more and just stay with my version of 6 Pro, but I decided I would go ahead and give it a try one last time.

    Rather than going to the other room and getting my external hard drive that I keep copies of all of my installers on, I just downloaded it again directly from the web.

    Well, long story short - it now works properly!

    Now what was the problem - a bad download from the get-go, or perhaps was it caused by some uknown virus running on my machine??

    I went ahead and got my lazy butt up and grabbed the external hard drive with the installers and headed to the garage to install a "suspect" copy of SU7 on the shop machine (one that I KNOW is clean of viruses, as it was freshly imaged before setting up Mach and is not on my network). Low and behold, SU7 on that machine WILL NOT SHOW THE CORRECT BLUE FACE!

    That leaves two possible root causes of the problems I encountered. 1. The app was a bad build when I downloaded it, or 2. something became corrupt during the download process.

    Since I remember reading where someone else was having an issue with getting the correct default blue face in SU7, I am leaning towards my earlier download being a bad build.

    I uninstalled the copy of SU7 from the shop machine, overwrote my external drive with the installer I received fresh from Google today, and then reinstalled it on the shop machine. Wow! Now that installation works great, too!

    Here is the PhlatBoyz template for you to download and try out. If you were having trouble getting the blue face, then try this template to rule out that you may have some setting messed up. If this template does not solve your problem, you may consider uninstalling your bad version of SU7 with a new version from Google.


    To use this template, download it to your desktop. Now navigate to c:program FilesGoogleGoogle Sketchup 7Resourcesen-USTemplates and drop the file here in the Templates folder. Now, open up SU7, click on the Window pull-down and then select Preferences. Click on the last option item on the left (template). You should now see the PhlatBoyz template in the list. Select it and then close the Preferences dialog box. Close SketchUp and then re-open SketchUp.

    You are now using the PhlatBoyz Template.

    I hope this helps anyone that's had issues like I've had! Attached files Phlatboyz_Template.skp (161.1 KB)Â
  2. Evil-Tunes

    Evil-Tunes Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Southern N.J.
    Sorry to here about the virus I have to ask about the plug in you were using because I run about 60 of them on my WOW

  3. Crash

    Crash Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Waco, Texas, USA
    It was one of the earlier QuestHelper add-ons. Got an IRC.BOT from it and those darned things are quite difficult to get rid of!

    Actually, I try to keep the UI add-ons to a minimum these days. There's nothing worse than the program getting a major update and then having to go grab a bunch of updated mods to get the game back to where you like it. Now that WOW has updated so much of their UI and made it more customizable, all I use is the CTMods package and QuestHelper. I really wouldn't need QH, but I've just recently switched over to the "dark side" by playing Horde characters, so I don't know where ANYTHING is!
  4. Evil-Tunes

    Evil-Tunes Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Southern N.J.
    Yea, I tried the good side lol and made it to 40 but stoped there now that TLK came out. I have one 78 horde now.

  5. mavacpjm71

    mavacpjm71 New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Only comment is on the video mark made. I almost fell off my chair laughing, his voice changes to a deep voice many times during the video. It is too funny !!!! :mrgreen:

    He sounds like Luther Vandross hahahahaha

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