Here is a cool site you can do online tracings of any image you want. I found a couple scroll saw patterns so I tried it out and it works great. You get two free tracings for free!
That's a really cool online trial. Does it let you save the file after it is converted? The PC based version is $300...I'd rather get VCarve Pro for $599. It'll convert Raster to Vector and generate tool paths.....and lots of other stuff.
You can save two of them for free. Good point about Vcarve WZ I never thought of it like that Here's an example pic I made using vector magic. Saved as an EPS loaded into Illustrator then to Sketchup Check out the final cut out here. Download the free plans and cut your own Attached files
Don't know how I missed it but I had not heard of Vector Magic before. Nice program, now to save up some pennies. Tweakie.